Unspoken: Thrown out in style

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At least my parents had the decency to send me in first class. I was eating my meaty lasagna and orange juice while watching some original James Bond movie. It was nice to break away from all the tension that rested back home but my thoughts constantly wandered to Nicholas and Jake. I got  my own row and there weren't any children riding on the plane, could it get any better?

"Dessert?" A flight attendant asked me and I declined as she took my dishes and walked away.

"Welcome to Soaring High Airlines, thank you for traveling with us. You are all students going to or back to Extraordinaire Prep so try to make friends and the party room is now open." A flight attendant said through the intercoms. I had my own little room on the plane and so did the other travelers it was plain white with specks of metal and pops of blue. I heard doors opening and people introducing themselves.

Think about it Orchid, you can build yourself a new image. You don't have to be the loner who sits in the corner watching everyone else live their lives. I sighed and grabbed a pair of denim capris, black flats and a blue blouse. I then let my hair out before going out to the huge opening to see the rest of the people. They looked at me and smiled and I returned a smile.

After a few introductions I noticed a teenager at the bar drinking scotch and glaring at the groups of people. I raised an eyebrow at him as a tray of gin passed me. I took a deep breath and walked over to the bar and the boy, who had some attitude for some reason. He looked me over curiously, but I knew he wasn't going to start any conversation with me.

"What's your problem?" I asked straight up and he looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"Excuse me?" He asked offended.

"You look as if you hate everyone." I answered and he broke out a smile.

"I just think it's unusual. I'm going back to Extraordinaire Prep and you will all be insane if you think the school is this easy. Nothing is easy, friends aren't usually easy to make either." He answered and I nodded.

"I'm Orchid." I introduced.

"Danny. Danny Beckingham." He replied and I looked at him closely. His jaw was slightly clenched and nicely chiseled, his eyes were a deep dark brown that seemed cold, his skin wasn't pure white pale, it held a tint of pink; his eye lashes were an average length, he looked like he came from money but I guess we all were.

"Nice meeting you." I said uneasily as I ordered a dirty martini.

"What's your story?" I asked him.

He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he analyzed me, lost in thought and I didn't want to break his focus. I looked him over before taking sips of my drink and ordering shots.

"What's yours?" He asked and I laughed at myself thinking about how lame it would sound.

"Nothing special." I finally answered and he rolled his eyes.

"That doesn't mean, it's not worth being told." He countered.

"It's not even worth remembering." I countered and he seemed shocked at my bitter tone.

We started drinking shots and the bartender continued refilling them until we told him to stop. I was pretty tipsy and Danny was slightly tipsy. The others had moved to the hot tub room and that left Danny and I.

"Do you need a hand to get back to your room?" I offered.

"No thanks." He said with disgust in his voice but I was too out of it to question it, I gave him a nod, held my stomach and walked back to my room. I changed into my cloud robe and went to bed.

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