Is the cafe done for?

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"Drake! What are you doing?" I yell at him, closing the doors behind me as I enter the cafe.

"Get out of here Power! This bomb might explode!" He points to to the door, telling me to leave.

"No! I not leaving! I can help!" I run over to him and get down on my knees.

"Yes. Don't leave yet power." Kisshu appears in the room. I snarl.

"Leave Kisshu!" I hiss. He pouts.

"No I like watching this." He fixes his eyes intently on the bomb. I roll my eyes.

"Could you hand me a wrench?" Drake asks me. I look around but don't see a wrench.

"Ugh! Kisshu! Give me the wrench!" I yell at him. He chuckles. I huff and hold out my hand. I use all my focus to make a wrench with my powers.

"Here." I hand Drake my home made wrench.

"Thanks. Now do a few tweaks..." He messes around with some wires and bolts.

"I just need to cut a red wire." He sighs.

"But there's like 50." I say, kneeling down to the bomb. Man, this is cliche...

"Can you sense which one is right?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah I think. Maybe." I answer.


Ok... Focus... I look at all the red wires. One by one, the red wires start fading to black. That means they're not the right one. Finally, one turns green.

"This is it." I point to the right one.

"Ok. Here goes nothing." He cuts the wire. The clock stops.

"Whoo." He wipes sweat off his forehead.

"Hmph." Kisshu huffs and disappears.

"I have the power to see true things." I say, sitting back and breathing heavily.

"I see that." Drake smiles at me. I look over at him, confused.

"So what was that about?.... You just... Randomly knew about the bomb and crud?" Things don't add up.

"I'm a Trevlian. You're one too, Power. We have incredible abilities, okay?" Woah. Way to give it to me slow and subtle man!

"Whaaaaattt???" My eyes widen at him. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I don't want to explain right now, if that's okay with you... I'm tired...." He states, disappearing.

"Y-yeah... Okay...." I say to no one.


A couple hours later I'm in a park, sitting on a bench alone. I'm not going back to mew mew... So what am I gonna do? I sigh and close my eyes, leaning back on the bench.

A small thump on my forehead makes me open my eyes. Blake smiles down at me. I smile at him and giggle.

"Hello,... May I help you??" I smile. What a weirdo.

"Yes, actually. I wanna go hunting... So... Wanna come with? You look bored." He plops down on the bench next to me. I yawn gently, my eyes drooping. "You're tired... Want to sleep? I can take you over to my house?...."

His house? I've never been to anyone's house besides Ryou, but that doesn't really count.

"I uh... I... I don't wanna cause any trouble..." I say politely. Plus... Its awkward... We just met... He just continues smiling at me and shakes his head.

"Its really no trouble. Besides, I haven't found another Trev in a long time. We're endangered, you know." My eyes widen. Are we really? I look down and fold my hands in my lap. I think for a moment. What are we exactly? Aliens? Creatures? Advanced humans?

"Roughly how many of us are left?" I ask him quietly. He sighs and looks down, bringing his hands up and showing me 7 fingers. "Only seven??? Including us?" He nods.

"Power," He pauses, contemplating on whether to tell me or not. After a few moments he decides. "Nevermind... You'll find out in your own time. It may be too much for you to handle right now. So, what do you say to dinner at my place?" He stands up and holds out his arm for me to take, like he's courting a princess. I sigh and pout. Why can't he tell me? I take his arm anyway.

"I don't think you want to walk five miles so I'll teleport us." And with that, we dissapear.


Im really sorry for not updating, im so bad with that... ill try to update more that i have a computer!





Love you guys!! <3<3<3<3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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