An assistant

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I ran around the cafe, serving so many people. Who said waitressing was ever easy.

'Uh, Mint?' I walked up to her. She was sitting in her normal spot drinking her tea.

'What do you need?' She sighed.

'I was wondering if you could, you know, help.' I asked her quickly.

'Not likely. I'm on my break.' She took another sip of her tea.

'Please. We really need help. Just help us.' I stared into her eyes. I could feel that my eyes were slightly glowing.

'Okay. I'll help you.' She said in a mesmerized voice.

'Huh?!' The other mew mews looked amazed.

'Power, how did you do that?' Lettuce asked me.

'I can be very convincing?' I guessed. I did not exactly know what I could do. But apparently I could control minds as well as read them.

'No! You can control minds!' Pudding got exited.

'Cool.' Zakuro said to me.

'No, it's awesome!' Ichigo corrected her.

Ryou walked down the street with Keiichiro. They were going back to cafe mew mew to check on the girls. Keiichiro got some ingredients for a new cake he was making.

'I wonder who made the biggest accident while we were gone.' Ryou laughed.

'Mabe none of them made a mess this time.' Keiichiro hoped.

'Oh, that's not possible. Because we will be making the mess today!' Ryou and Keiichiro heard Kisshu's voice. Kisshu, Zack and Dylan flew in the sky above them.

Kisshu shot Ryou and Keiichiro down.

'Take them away where they can't get out. Then come back and one of you take form of the brown haired guy. I'm going to be lover boy. The other one of you, will be our new 'assistant.'' Kisshu smiled.

'Okay. We will be back soon.' Dylan told Kisshu and he and Zack left.

Ryou, Keiichiro and some new guy walked through the door.

'Hey Ryou, who is this?' I pointed to he new guy.

'Oh, this is John. He is our new assistant.' Ryou took my hand, seeming more exited then normal.

'But I thought Keiichiro was your assistant.' Lettuce walked over.

'He is more of a... Brother.' Ryou looked at Keiichiro.

John was quite cute. He had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Kinda like Zack.

'Get to work everyone. But Power comes with me.' Ryou told everyone. I wondered for a minute, then followed Ryou upstairs. We went into his room.

'Uhh, what's up?' I asked him.

'Nothing. Just wanted some alone time.' He pulled me into his chest.

'Alone time? But you usually say after work.' I told him.

'Ive changed.' He said and leaned down to me.

'Wait.' I told him and pulled away. 'Tell me about John.'

'He is an old friend of mine.' Ryou took me in again.

'Why are you so determined?' I was confused.

'We haven't kissed for a few days honey.' He sounded like Kisshu.

'We kissed just this morning. You sound a lot like Kisshu' I laughed.

'Im not Kisshu.' He said quickly.

'Im not saying you are.' I looked at him.

Ryou stayed quiet then pulled me away from the door. He pushed me down to the bed.

'Ryou!' I gasped. He was about to get on me when someone knocked on the door. Ryou quickly got away from me and ran to the door. He opened it. John walked in.

'I was looking for Power?' John asked looking for me. He saw me sitting on the bed.

'John?" I asked him.

'Yeah. The girls could really use your help downstairs." John stared at Ryou.

'Oh, ok.' I said slipping out the door. I stood in the hallway for a minute then heard a crash. I ran into the lab room, where the crash originated from. I saw Keiichiro standing in front of a computer, holding a hammer. The screen was broken as well as the memory disk drive.

'Keiichiro! What are you doing? There was very important data on that!' I stared at him.

'What? Oh, hi Power.' Keiichiro looked over at me.

'What are you doing?' I crossed my arms over my chest.

'Uh, it was not...' He started to say.

'You dont smash things just because they arent working. Dont worry. I will restore the data.' I said walking over to the computer.

'No!' Keiichiro stopped me.

'Why? We need that data.' I was surprised.

'No we dont.' He insisted and pushed me out of the room and closed the door.

'Weird.' I said to myself.

'What's weird?' John appeared behind me. My ears and tail popped out.

'John! You scared me.' I told him.

'You get scared easily.' He laughed.

'Uh, yeah.' I bit my lip.

'I guess you should go help the girls like I told you to.' He told me.

'Just to remind you, your not my boss. Not to be mean or anything.' I started to walk away. He put a arm out to stop me.

'I know. But someday I might be your boss. And you will have to do whatever I say.' He pushed me up against the wall.

'Keep that in mind sugar.' He smiled at me and let me go. I walked away quickly.

'Power!!!!!!!' I heard Mint scream. 'Help!!!!!!!'

'Mint what is it?' I ran into the kitchen. I gasped. A predisite stood before me. It was not big, it was about the size of a great Dane dog.

'We can't defuse it.' She called over to me.

'Leave it to me. You guys evacuate the people. Say... A important pipe broke.' I commanded them. They nodded and ran out.

'Okay, just you and me... Mew mew Power! Metamore-phases!' I shouted and started my transformation. When I finished, the predisites paw started to grow.

'What the?' I said. It's paw reached the size of a polar bear. It hit me with it. I got slammed onto a wall.

'Stinking... Predisite!' I yelled and jumped over it. I landed behind it.

My eyes glew red. 'Red lighting strike!' I shouted and zapped the predisite with red lightning. It defused.

'Thank god.' I said to myself.

'You are very powerful. I guess that's why they call you Power.' John appeared behind me. I quickly turned around and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground.

'Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!' I apologized and knelt down to him.

'I deserved it I guess. I scared you.' His nose and mouth started bleeding.

'Hold still.' I told him. I held my hand over his face. My eyes glew red. 'Rose heal.' I said and started healing him. His nose and mouth stopped bleeding.

'There you go, all better.' I smiled and stood up. He stared at me.

'I... Better clean this mess up.' I told him and started sweeping. He stood up.

'Thanks.' He told me and left.

'Power, did you take care of it?' Ichigo an in. She looked around.

'I guess you did.' She smiled. I started sweeping again. Ichigo grabbed a broom and started helping.

So??? What did you guys think? Thank you sooooooo much if you read this far! I will write more soon! :)

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