New cynaclons

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'Hey Dylan, Zack, I need your help.' Kisshu walked up to his friends.

'With what?' Dylan asked.

'Getting rid of the mew mews.' Kisshu smiled.

'Power, I'm so very very glad that your okay. What I don't get though is how you healed in one night.' Pudding hugged my legs.

'Uh, I guess I have powers for healing myself as well.' I lied.

'Cool.' Puddind said and then walked away.

'So, how are you?' Ryou walked in when Pudding went out.

'Really good. Why are you stunned?'

'Read my mind.'

'Kisshu kissed me?!' I touched my face.

'You don't remember?' He walked up closer.


'I don't even remember what predisite he was using.' I put my finger to my lip.

'A bear.' Ryou took my shoulders. He pulled me into a hug.

'I love you Power.' Ryou said. Isn't that what Kisshu told me? Ryou took my chin and kissed me. For some odd reason, I thought that he feels just like Kisshu.

'Whats wrong?' Ryou asked me.

'Nothing...' I sighed.

'Ryou, three predisites, in town!' Keiichiro ran into the room.

'Power, I want you to stay here this time.' Ryou told me.

'No, you guys can't beat them on your own.' I said trying to push past him.

'No.' Ryou said and picked me up. He carried me upstairs and set me on the bed in his room. He ran out, shut the door and locked it from the outside.

'Ryou!!!!!!' I pounded on the door.

'NO!' He yelled then ran away.

I tryed to use my powers, but could not. The window. I ran over to it. It was locket shut. I pulled and pulled but it would not open. Only one way to get out now. Break the window. I saw a big book laying on Ryou's desk. I picked it up and chucked it at the window. It didn't break.

'No! Ryou!' I yelled.

'Wheres my cute little kitty?' Kisshu asked Ryou.

'Somewhere safe. Where you can't get her.' Ryou replyed.

'Dylan, Zack.' Kisshu said and the two aliens appeared.

'New aliens?!' Ichigo groaned.

'Dylan, Zack, search cafe mew mew. Bring the girl to me.' Kisshu whispered to them. They nodded and then teleported.

'Where are they going?' Ryou asked Kisshu.

'To pick something up.' Kisshu smiled evily.

I threw the book again. The window was starting to crack.

'Comeon!!!!' I screamed and threw it again.

'Who are you!?' I heard keiichiro say loudly from downstairs.

'Were the guys who are going to kill you unless you tell us where the girl is.' A voice ive never heard before said.

'I don't know who-' Keiichiro started.

'Dont know who we are talking about? Oh yes you do. The mew mew that the blonde guy did not let come to the party.' Another new voice said.

It was silent for a moment, then I heard a crash. I needed to get out. I hit the window with the book again.

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