Soul eater 7MIH(girls first )chapter 1

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This is a soul eater fanfic. its diffent from many fanfics because I will add you in the story ;) ok so plz don't hate it :) thanx girls go fist :)  boys will come later in the story. Skip to chapter 5 if your a boy. Happy readings.



You wake up in the morning one day and get dressed in your favourite outfit. You get your breakfast and sit at the table and take one bite of your breakfast when you see the mailman come. You wait for him to leave and then you dash out side to get the mail and bring it back inside. You see it's all junk except one and carefully open up the envelop and see there's a piece of paper folded perfectly symmetrical . You know it's from kid alright and unfold the paper and read the note.


You are invited to come to my house for party and its a sleepover as well

You better come!!!!!

That's patty writing you think as you giggle to yourself

Ps: bring lipstick or Chapstick

DTK, Patty and Lizz

You wonder why they want you to bring lipstick or Chapstick but you just shrug it off and continue with yo ur day as usual.

* later on *

You get to kids house and knock on the door twice. You hear a high pitch voice yelling " coming " as you know who it is. Patty opens the door and greets you with a huge hug. You both walk in the room to see all your friends dancing

You see Maka, Soul, black*star, tsubaki, Lizz, Kid and Blair dancing. You and Patty join in. You dance for a while until the music stops and you see Patty clapping her hands.

"Ok everyone, lets play a game" she said

" I know...... Lets play 7 minutes in heaven " Blair suggested

"Ok, we have a game" Patty said

She looked over to kid.

"Hay kid, got any sticky notes?"  Patty asked.

"Yea but it's all in perfect symmetry so I'll get it so that I can put it back perfectly symmetrical" Kid yells as he starts to run off.

He ran of and returned 5 minutes later  with some sticky notes. Patty takes them and hands one to everyone.

"Ok, write a word or a sentence that represents you but not your name, then put it in the hat" Patty said as she took of her hat. Everyone puts there sticky note in the hat.

Patty picks you to be the first one to chose from the hat. You try to protest but give up and put your hand in and move around the hat feeling the paper until you pick one and pull it out the hat. You unfolded the peace of paper to see that you have to go with............


Sorry kitty cats, that's it for now. Find out who was picked in the next chapter.;) vote, comment and follow plz :)

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