Chapter 4 【Rufus】

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Chapter 4

“Are you telling me we’re lost?” Autumn exclaimed in horror. Harry nodded with his face red of embarrassment. She began to look left and right. Everyone had already left for their class and they were alone in the large hall.

“So what do we do?” Harry asked her.

“Why don’t we explore Hogwarts right now?” she suggested.

He smiled at her and nodded. With that they both began to walk around, not knowing where they were going.

It didn’t occur to them that they could’ve just gone back to Transfiguration class and ask Professor McGonagall for directions.

They began to wander, not thinking about class. They were both amused by how different the school was. Harry lived in the Muggle world until now and was still new to being a wizard. As for Autumn, Rufus barely used his magic. She actually didn’t see him use it until she was about 8. Autumn also lived in the Muggle world but knew of the Wizarding world.

“When I saw the portraits moving and talking, I literally freaked,” Harry admitted as they passed a wall of moving portraits. Autumn giggled and could imagine him jumping when a picture asked him a question.

“I was pretty surprised too but that was a while ago. My brother was reading a newspaper and I saw the pictures moving. I asked if he was watching a movie on paper or something. I was like 7 so don’t make fun,” Autumn said, smiling to herself at the thought. Now that she thinks about Rufus, she has to write him a letter.

“They even move in newspaper?!” Harry’s face was painted in shock. Autumn nodded at him.

“By the way, Autumn, I’ve been meaning to ask you this.” Harry began.

Autumn looked at him and he gulped when he saw her shining emerald green eyes.


“Do you like Malfoy?”

Autumn tilted her head like a confused puppy. “Sure. He’s my friend.”

Harry was surprised by her answer but was expecting it, after all, they were playing with their animal ears last class. “But isn’t he rude and arrogant?”

Autumn began to think before she nodded.


Harry opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Autumn continued her sentence.

“But he seems lonely. Like he’s begging for someone’s attention.” Harry frowned slightly when she noticed how her eyes looked as if they were looking a different world. He jolted when Autumn suddenly twirled her face to him. “I’m just wondering…”

“Wondering what?”

“How come you and Draco have such a bad relationship? Like he glares at you and you both address each other by last names.”

“Well…I met Malfoy back at Diagon Alley and he didn’t know who I was. He began rambling on about how students who have muggle parents shouldn’t come to Hogwarts.”

Autumn was nodding while he was talking. She looked as if she was thinking deeply about a secret hidden in the secrets.

“Then after we got sorted, he offered me his friendship but I refused.”

“Why?”Autumn piped in. Her face burned red and began to shake her hands uncomfortably. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

Harry smiled sweetly at her, her embarrassed face was cute. “It’s alright. Well I guess it was because he reminded me of my cousin.”

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