Note to reader

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Society. Isn't it a group of people? A group of people who look different, think differently, talk differently, with unique characters and personality traits, some with special needs, others "normal" etc. Society. Society is messed up. Confussed. Mislead and are lead to believe lies. Society is a place where you are divided into the jocks all the way down to the weirdos. Yes I know its stereotyping but thats what society does to you. They teach you that you're not enough and never will be. You're not popular enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, you're too fat, you're too thin, you're weird and the list goes on. But the truth is, who's to say how much is enough? The question I pose to you is 'Are you enough?'. How can you answer that question if you dont know to whom you are enough. To society you're only enough if you have the most followers on social media, are popular, you're thin but not too thin, you're the most beautiful, you're smart, funny, great at sports etc. Society set the bar of standards at perfect, which no one can achieve. So before you can answer the question 'Are you enough?' you have to understand that being enough to society is never enough. "You can always be better, like her/him" is what they say. Society will always compare you to others therefore there will always be someone better than you in society's eyes. But that's what breaks you, that's what kills you and thats what makes life so unpleasant, we always want to be enough in other people's eyes. You dont need to be enough to society because thats impossible but you can be enough for yourself. When you're enough to yourself thats when your heart will rest and when your mind will be at peace with who and what you are and how you do things. You will accept you for you. So are you enough for yourself? Before you answer that I would just like to add that when you do answer it do not compare yourself to anyone else whatsoever. Dont compare yourself to anyone because you are different to everyone no matter how much things you may have in common you are still your own person. Dont compare yourself to anyone because you are only hurting yourself, rather compare the person you are now to the person you were yesterday. That's how you'll move forward. Did you grow as in the person that you are? If yes then keep doing what you're doing even if they say 'it's like a girl' because its working. If no then keep trying because you CAN do it. Focus on what you can do, not what you cant do, that'll help. So considering the above, 'Are you enough?' I know now that I am enough.

I have decided to write a story about a young teenage girl and how the school society can destroy her or make her stronger. In reality it doesnt always make you stronger but us girls need to look at things from a different point of view. Just because something bad happened doesn't mean it's entirely negative. A positive thing can grow from that only if you see that the glass is always half full and not half empty.

I want yall teenagers to know that whatever is happening at school, that you're not alone, there are surely others that have been through the same thing and maybe even worse.

Dont let society's divisions kill your dreams, hopes and your aspirations. For example the word sexy. If you had to ask a boy what is sexy on a girl they might say if she has a thin waist, wide hips, nice size butt etc. But what about the girls who do not have these physical features, are they not sexy? Sometimes girls allow boys to determine what sexy is or not and then they point out who is and who isnt. Now don't get me wrong, i am not blaming it on the boys because girls are equally as much to blame. Why do we allow them to determine what is sexy and what is not. As far as I am concerned sexy could be a someone who is smart, funny, cute, nerdish, a bit weird, caring, kind, affectionate, thoughtful, it could be someone with goals etc. Sexy doesnt have to be based on physical features because as we know you might be how beautiful on the outside but if your inside doesnt match your outside then nothing else really matters. So dont let a label given to you by someone, define you. If they label you weird, ugly, fat, sexy, shy, dumb, smart etc dont let that define you. If you let that define you it'll destroy you. If you're weird, so what? If you're fat, so what? If you're shy, so what? As long as you're being you and not changing for anyone or thing. The people who gave you the labels have probably changed to fit into one of society's top divisions and that they will regret in the long term.

Anyway, enjoy the book and sorry for the spelling and grammar errors, I didnt edit it. I am sorry for any clichés and if it has a similar concept to another story its truely a coincidence. Please dont steal my work because I have put my all into this book. The story contains language and a few inappropriate scenes. Happy reading!

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