17- Withholding the truth

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*Bailey's POV*

Mom's coming home today and I still haven't figured out what I'm gonna do with this baby. But I dont have time to think of this now cause I am late for school. Astin and Wes are waiting for me downstairs already. I quickly change into a white off the shoulder kind of dress and brown combat boots and head out. Astin doesn't even look at me, not even one word to me as we drive but it's okay I'm not in the mood for her anyway. When we arrive at school I jump out and my cell phone goes off. It's a message from Viccy.

Meet me at the back of the field at 08:30, strict orders, dont be late xx.

Yeah boss. I sure as hell don't wanna be late but its already 08:27. Oh fuck I only have like 2 or so minutes. I start running towards the field and from the steps I see Viccy and the brothers, Shane and Dwane. So I sprint towards them and I make it right to the back of the field at exactly 08:30.
"If you were even 1 minute late, I would have broken your nails for you." She says kissing her teeth. I just snarl at her before asking why we are assembled here so early. So Shane answers.
"It's about our baby Bailey."
"Im not having a baby, I need to kill this thing inside me." I snap at him. We were a mistake, I was drunk at a party and he just happened to be there. It's bad enough that he's with Viccy.
"Hush guys, as long as Brett thinks it's his everything will be fine because Astin will make sure that he takes care of Bailey and the baby. We don't want Bailey and Brett to break up, so as long as they believe the baby is Brett's Astin and Brett cant be together. Does everyone get that?!" She orders. We all nod excpet for the stupid one in our group, Dwane.
"Since when is Astin pregnant?" He asks.
"Uuuuuuuhhhh! Sometimes I feel like choking you myself!" Viccy is irritated now.
"Breath Viccy. Go one two three mu, one two three mu..." I do her calming activity with her and she settles down.
"Everyone lips sealed!" She orders. We walk as a group back to our lockers and Viccy and Shane hold hands acting all lovey dovey. I wish Brett was like that with me. I really, I really just, I... I love him. My sister holds his heart though😭😭😭. Theres nothing that I can do to fix that... thats why this baby is Brett's.

*Astin's POV*

I found a new way to work out. Our in door swimming pool! So I will start swimming after school now. I wonder how cold the water is gonna be and how my routine of each stroke will take place when I get knocked straight out if dreamland. My head hits the locker door really hard and I turn around to see who it was. It's Dwane.
"Oh sorry pregnant lady!" He shouts while jogging to keep up with Bailey and them. Oh no, please dont tell me people think that I'm pregnant! This is a disaster! I gather myself together and take out the necessary books for my first two periods and run toward my first class not wanting to be late.

After a long day if people calling me baby momma I get into the swimming pool. I just want to forget about everything that happened today, so I just lay on my back in the water and float around with my eyes closed. I'm too drained today to train so I just relax in the pool, the water luke warm and calming my headache. Before I know it I have been in there for an hour so I swim to the side of the pool and climb out. I wipe myself down and throw my sports kit on beofre heading for a long walk home. Today was the worst😕😕😕.

Needed to keep this chapter short and sweet. As always comment, vote, read and follow and for those of you who do I LOVE YOU AND THANKS 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞. What do you think about Bailey now? Oh and how do you like my new edit?

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