Breaking The Balance - Finding Normality In Insanity

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Written In The Third Person.

A couple of months later.

"Ianita! Get down from there! You are going to hurt yourself!"

Jordan put on a stern expression, struggling not to laugh at the antics of the little girl he had become so fond of. She was standing on the edge of Jordan's fortress, a bit too close to the edge for Jordan's nerves to handle but part of him didn't want to spoil her fun. She giggled, shaking her head defiantly as her violet eyes gleamed with mischievous desires. Keeping one eye on Jordan, she dug through her little pockets in search of something – all the while Jordan was edging closer to her, aiming to grab her before she fell off. However, Jordan shouldn't have worried – the little girl pulled out an angel ring and began to hover in mid-air, her tongue stuck out as she concentrated on doing it correctly.

Reaching forward, he gently pulled Ianita back onto solid ground – giving her a kiss on the top of her head when she started pouting, she knew he wasn't mad at her merely worried for her safety. The setting sun caught his eye and he sighed, it was time to take Ianita back to Martha's as he always did. Jordan would've loved for her to make more use of the rooms he had built for her in the fortress but his time in Inertia had damaged his mind. It was easy to suppress the memories during the day when he had plenty to do but at night it all snuck back in under the cover of darkness – causing him to thrash and sob in his sleep, before waking covered in sweat and screaming bloody murder. It wasn't a good environment for a child to grow up in.

"Come on sweetie, time to go home to Martha."

Ianita folded her little arms, her face scrunching up in annoyance – she always hated this time of day yet she loved spending time with Martha. Jordan kneeled down, lifting her chin up with his hand and looked her in the eyes – a warm smile on his face. At first, Ianita continued to look away from him, refusing to give in but soon she looked him in the eyes and nodded, still not looking happy about it. Jordan carried her down the stairs, sitting her on her bed whilst he dug through the piles of stuff he had scattered around – looking for her little backpack. It contained all the stuff she needed for overnight visits and as much as she spent a lot of time at Martha's, Ianita called the tower home and it was there Jordan kept all her things. After finding the backpack, Jordan grabbed his own special backpack – a remake of the claw backpack that Tucker loved to use to drag unsuspecting people through the air.

Ianita squealed with happiness when she saw the claw backpack, she loved riding in it – it had been remade so that there was a seat with safety straps and harnesses to keep her safe. It was too late to start walking to Martha's; there would be monsters all over the path before they even got halfway there. She jumped straight into the seat, squirming and fidgeting as Jordan attached the various straps into their slots, giggling whenever Jordan paused what he was doing to tickle her – his heart warming at the sound of her laugh. Once she was securely strapped in, Jordan knelt next to her and handed her the angel ring she had been playing with earlier – a serious expression on his face.

"This is not a toy okay sweetie? I gave you this to learn how to fly like Auntie Sonja and I. As much as you are improving, I don't want you attempting to fly unless either myself, Sonja or Martha are around to catch you ok? If something bad ever happened to you, I don't know if I'd forgive myself."

Ianita's expression turned very solemn and serious, wisdom and understanding beyond a normal child of her age. She was born from a golden egg that Jordan had given to Ianite, but Ianite was constantly tiring and struggled to handle the little ball of energy that was Ianita – therefore she gave custody to Jordan and came around for tea and to play with her daughter once a week. It was nice, it meant he could talk to his goddess as a friend – she was starting to see him as Sparklez instead of Spark and she had started preparing various sleeping draughts to help deal with the nightmares he fought. Ianita reached up and touched Jordan's cheek with her little pudgy hand, nodding her head seriously and placing the angel ring gently onto her finger.

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