In Which: Mai And Bou-san Are Bugged

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Day Five


The Miyuki Residence

Mai paused, staring at the shiny red fruit sitting in Bou-san's hand.

How about them apples?

The monk followed his partner's stare to the apple he was devouring,

"Want some?"

Mai shook her head, finally looking away from the nearly eaten fruit. Her gaze found the kitchen doors. There was a crisp snap loud in her ear and she turned her head slightly only to find Bou-san hovering very close.

"You think they're out there...listening?" he wondered, his voice dropping to a low whisper.

Mai glanced back at the kitchen doors, an amused smile pulling at her lips as she imagined Naru and Lin straining to hear through the key hole.

"I don't think so Bou-san," she answered, her hand reaching into the glass bowl at her elbow.

The monk straightened up and took one last thoughtful bite of apple as Mai picked one for herself from among Miss Miyuki's bananas and oranges.

The weight of the fruit in her hand was no where near the weight of the secret she was holding.

"I think Lin might have discovered the same apple as I did," Mai began, staring down into the shine coming off its red skin.

"Might have?" Bou-san prompted, an eyebrow climbing up his forehead.

"I don't think he knows it's an apple-- only that it was something important..."

"And what gave him that idea?"

Mai frowned slightly, staring past the fruit in her hand to the floor where her uninjured foot resided.

"There was a picture Bou-san, I was taken by surprise--"

"What happened?" the monk questioned, taking the apple from her hand and causing her to look up.

Recalling the event brought a surge of anxious energy and Mai took back the fruit, proceeding to roll it between her palms in thought,

"It was so quiet in there I swear Lin could hear my heart pounding across the room. My small gasp came out like a shout."

A second eyebrow rose to join Bou-san's first one, "So you shouted and when he demanded to know what you've discovered--"

Mai made a face and firmly placed the apple back in its glass home,

"I didn't shout and I told him I stubbed my toe," she answered, sparing a glance for her foot.

"...and he believed you?"

Mai glanced up from the floor and fixed the monk with a look,

"Yes," there was a pause as she was reminded of Lin's unconvinced stare, "maybe..."

Bou-san crossed his arms and matched her stare,

"Maybe? Mai, this is sensitive information-- we can't be leaking it to the enemy!"

Mai frowned at his use of code words and attempted to ignore the nagging feeling in her stomach that he was right and Lin now knew exactly how sensitive the information was.

Naru's hitman...

"Mai stay with me-- this is no time to crack under pressure," the monk persisted, "We may be able to salvage our mission, what was the apple?"

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