You call that a kiss?

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-Paris's POV-
I awoke in my bed, I smiled thinking of what happened  last night, I turned to see Chris snuggled into my pillow sound asleep,
I smiled and caught myself staring at him, I gotta admit, he is pretty handsome for a boy my age,
I smiled and snuggled back into bad and kissed his forehead and fell back asleep,

-Chris's POV-

I awoke to Emily fast asleep, I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.
And got out of bed, I walked next door and got changed, did my makeup, I decided since class started today me and Paris could go get coffee afterwards,

I walked back into her dorm again,
She was just in her bra and panties,
She squealed and covered herself up with her covers,
I chuckled,
"Morning" I smiled skiing her cheek, she blushed and I rolled my eyes,
"I'm guessing your not used to getting kisses" I grinned,
" I guess not" she said looking down,
"Well, get used to it princess" I smiled kissing her cheek walking to her mini fridge to get a drink,
We headed to class,
"C..Chris?" I heard a weak voice from behind,e,
"Yeah baby?"
" know how we are..a..a couple now?"
"Well c..can me h..hold hands?" She blushed,
I smiled and held her small cold shaky hand I'm my big ones,
I kissed her hand,
"No need to be scared, if you don't like anything I am not forcing you-"
"Chris, it's okay, I'm fine" she said
I nodded and entered the class,
We walked hand in hand to the back of the class,
Cassie tripped Paris up but I luckily caught her,
"You okay?" I mumbled in her ear,
She nodded,
Class ended,
We left class and walked down the hall past the dorms,
Paris got her keys and began to open her dorm door but I stopped her,
"What?" She said
"I thought we could do something"
"Like what?"
"Sarbucks?" I shrugged
"Alright mr romance" she teased, I stuck my tough out and we headed to the car park,
I drove to Starbucks,
"put your seatbelt on" she said
"Yeah yeah one minute"
"Put them on now, please" she said raising her voice,
"I said give me a minute till I'm on the main road" I said driving out of the college campus,
"Chris!" She raised her voice,
I looked at her,
She got scared, like I was gonna hit her,
"Sorry" she whispered, tears filmed here eyes,
"No, I'm sorry, I'll put it on just as long as you don't cry" I said rubbing her leg,
She sniffled and smiled,

We got yo Starbucks and got our coffee,
We sat at the table drinking in silence,
" you really want me to be yours?" Said Paris,
I swallowed my coffee,
"Of course, I..actually have liked you for a while-,
"But you pushed me away, I still am confused,"
"It's complicated, my mind told me no, you reminded me so much like Sarah that I had to keep away, but my heart said that, that, that I loved you Paris!!"
She looked down and nodded,
"W..well, I think,, I love you too Chris,"
I blushed, "so we are really properly together, I thought you were drunk last night that's why I thoug-" I cute her off,
"No, I don't drink Hun, I really love you"
She smiled and we got out of Starbucks,
We drive back,

"Ready for another year of pure hell?" I asked,
"What's that suppose to mean?" She giggled,
"I mean school work you idiot" I laughed
"As long as your sexy ass by my side, I am fine"
"My ass is sexy?" I said looking at her getting out of the car,
She slapped my ass,
"Yup" she skipped by,

We got back to the dorm,
"Bye Chris" she kissed me,
"You call that a kiss"
She rolled her eyes, and kissed me deeper,
"Night baby girl" I said hugging her,
"Night" she blushed walking into her dorm,
I smiled and walked back into mine,

Hey guys, sorry the chapter is shit,
I dunno what I'm doing, feeling low cause I have therapy tomorrow and yeah, it's cool and all but the fact is that I need it and it's not helping as much as I'd like but whatever,
Who cares about that shit?!
Hope your having a awesome Friday,
I'm having a meh.. Day,
It sucks
So what do you think of this chapter!!
Comment what you think!
I love you guys,
I'll update soon xx

Beautiful Creature (a Chris motionless fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin