Rest for me..

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-Paris's POV-
I sped walked out to the car and shook my head,
I need the air, and a walk,
I sighed wiping my tears, and sniffled breathing in the cold air,
Seeing my breath in the air,
I walked off to the car park by the mall sitting on the bench at the park right next to the mall,
It got dark quickly slowly draining my patience.
I checked my phone,
Replaying over in my head,
I checked my phone looking at the picture of me and Chris as my lock screen,
Drops of water landed on my screen which made me aware I saw crying,
I texted Chris tears in my eyes,
Hey Chris are you coming? I hope your here soon, it's getting kinda chilly :) xx

-Chris's POV-
I shot awake with a dog licking my face,
"Aww yuck!" I said sitting up rubbing my eyes,
I sighed looking at my blank phone, shut its dead,
I looked at the time,
"Shit!" I yelled standing up,
"Sorry guys I gotta run, I've got you guy's numbers but I need to go" I said rushing out the door putting on my shoes,

-Paris's POV-
I sat there looking at the time,
He has been over an hour late,
Maybe I am holding him back,
Stopping him from achieving his dreams,
And here I am out late at night in a park thinking that I am more important than his life goals,
I shook my head standing up and walking back,

I was walking down the street, walking quickly past bars and shitty strip clubs and people who were drunk out of there minds stumbling past me,
I zipped up my hoodie my shakey cold hands in my pockets as I picked up my pace,
It was pitch black outside and the street lamps hardly even lit up the place,
My asthma wasn't helping either, this cold air making my chest become tight and irritated.

I then felt a hand grab my arm, and I panicked as they dragged me back,
"Get off!" I screamed pushing them back.
They pulled my hair but I kicked them in the crotch, making him let go
I then ran tears streaming down my face running through the alleyway.
I felt a hand cover my mouth and I whimpered and squealed,
Who ever they were they had strong arms,
I just began to sob,
"Paris it's me"
He said shaking me,
"Baby look, shhh it's me" which made me open my eyes,
It was Chris,
"You scared me to death" I cried, my voice barely a squeak, hugging him tightly my faced buried into his warm chest,
"Aw baby girl it's okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear,
I cried into his chest,
"There was someone f..following me before" I said, tears still running down my cheeks
"I know, i saw that's why I tried to stop you running away, it's dangerous at night" he said kissing my forehead,
I then started coughing, my shakey hands taking my inhaler out my pocket,

-Chris's POV-
Her breathing then started to get uneven, probably from the cold air,
I picked her up bridal style her snuggling into my chest as she took her inhaler,
"You alright?" I asked
Tucking her hair behind her ear placing her into the car,
She nodded and yawned
I started the car the radio automatically turning on
"So how was your day?" She asked weakly
"Oh my god it was amaz-" I cut myself off and put my hand over her small one,
"I'll tell you tomorrow, you need rest, how about you baby?" I said softly.
"It was, g.great" she smiled at me,
I smiled too,
"So did you have a good time? Atleast tell me that" she yawned
"Yes I had a great time, just k want you to get some rest okay princess? I dint want you to out run yourself" I said rubbing her thigh,
She nodded and trained round,
I turned down the radio, and avoided the holes in the road so she slept fine,
I wish the government should start using my tax to fill the holes with more cement.
I shook it off and drove,
As we got back to the college I picked her up,
She was still asleep in my arms, i smiled at this remembering how I used to be embarrassed at this,
And now I couldn't care less,
The bright lights off the school woke her,
"You don't mind r..right?" She said weakly,
I smiled, "not one bit" I said
"I love you Chris," she said resting her head on my chest,
"Love you even more Paris," I replied
I got onto my dorm pouring fat ass sorry, Paris has been telling me off for calling him that,
I mean Burton his food into his bowl,
I then got into bed next to Paris as she drifted off alsmost instantly as her head hit the pillow,
I smiled and fell asleep also,


I awoke at 3 am to Paris facing me shaking her head in her sleep,
Doing what appears to be an early stages of a nightmare,
I lifted the quilt and reached for her small hand and gently moving my thumb in circular motions to the back of her hand, which helped and calmed her as she then slept contently again.
I smiled and fell back asleep also,

Hey guys,
Fucking late at night again!!
My sleep schedule is messed up at the moment and it's annoying
I have a test tomorrow for modern studies (politics and shit) first thing in the morning and I'm so scared cause that class is really hard and since my sleep schedule is fucked,
I haven't been able to study properly in about a month,
To be honest I feel like I'm gonna pass out at school tomorrow from stress.
I don't take stress well,
Urrrggggg fml
I'm gonna sleep,
Oh no wait, I'm gonna lie in bed all night tossing and turning cause my brain doesn't know what sleep is!
Okay enough ranting
I hope you liked this chapter li tried to make it longer even though my mum kept yelling at me to get my ass upstairs to bed
But yeah
Comment what you think!
I love you guys
I'll Seeya tomorrow

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