Where is my mind..

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-Chris's POV-

"Chris!" Yelled Melaina
"Yeah?!" I said pouring us both some tea,

It has been a couple weeks since we have been back at home, I haven't been able to leave the house, she locks me in,
She doesn't want me to see no one,
I'm just all hers,
I brung her a mug of hot tea, as she stood at the living room wall, in front of the large fireplace,
"This painting, I want it off the wall" she said stubborn as hell,
I looked up, as she pointed to the Edward Scissor Hand painting,
That Paris-
My heart stopped, I didn't know what to do or say,
This, has always been my favourite part of the house,
Would I be a bad boyfriend yo have my Ex's painting on the wall,
Now how I think about it,
It sounds bad,
"B..but, that was given to me, a..as a gift"
"Oh, well whoever did had really bad taste, it's too dark, I don't like it, I must have it down at once" she said with her posh snobby accent,
I didn't know what to do,I'm hesitated and I said
Her head snapped to me, I swallowed in fear,
"So, your just gonna keep this ugly disgusting painting up on the wall, it ruins the whole house, what is it of anyways, some creep?" She spat,
"Edward scissor hands" I whispered
"what?!" She spat
"It's of Edward Scissor hands Melaina!" I yelled,
"Don't you dare shout at me Christopher! I swear, I will teach you how to speak to me!" She screamed
"With a firm hand" she added, anger dripping from her tone,
"Mel stop!-
I felt my cheek, three scratches ran across it, my hand now covered in blood from her fake nails.
"If your too pathetic to take it down, then I'll take it down myself" she spat,
Ripping the canvas off the wall damaging the wall paper,
"Can we atleast move it, put it in another room" I groaned
"Your such a wimp Chris,your being pathetic, " she pat back,
"Mel it's my painting and I want it back please I won't put it on the fucking wall just let me keep-
She a bed her hot boiling mug of tea smashing it in my face then kicking me back into the coffee table,
Hurting my side,
I lay on the floor, tears welling up,
I can't fight back, if I do, I'll get caught by the police as a abuser,
And men can't hit women, it's not right, apparently
"It's our house and I can do what I want with it" she grinned
She kicked me in the stomach again,
I felt sick,
"Be gentle with it, p..please" I whispered now crying,
She grinned and snapped the wood on the back,
"No" I cried as I head the ripping of the painting, completely in tow, and then ripped again,
She then stood on it with her stupid high heels and poured the rest of the tea on it,
Her hand firmly grassed my chin,
"A stern hand" she repeated and walked away,
"I'm going out, get some pizza, I love you Chris," I heard her voice say,
"I love you too"
"Oh and that better be cleaned up when I get back" she yelled slamming the door and locking it,
I lay on the ground,
And I hugged myself, a scared Burton came round the corner licking up the tea,
"Does she scare you Hun?" I asked softly, wiping my tears as I painfully sat up,
It meowed in reply,
"Come here" I whispered picking him us as it purred,
"Your all that I have left of her now, promise you won't leave me?"

-Paris's POV-

I sat out in the balcony freezing, in my pyjamas and a towel wrapped round me,
I was dyeing my hair black again,
It seemed to have lightened over Tim win hospital,
I sat hearing police sirens, shouting, and watching prostitutes on the streets,
I always hated  this part of town,


*school bell rings*
My eyes shot up and I smiled, putting my Gameboy and Pokemon game back in my red satchel and putting on my yellow raincoat and blue boots on,
I was the baby version of Coroline,
I ran out of the school, not caring if I got hit by a car,
If I get home late, and not feed Mia my sister in time,
Daddy will get mad, he is scary when he gets mad,
I was running when I noticed that this wasn't home,
I stood taking my inhaler looking around, the getting lost,
I hand grabbed my wrist, I jumped and squealed
"Your coming with me" grunted a angry lady,
I whimpered and pulled away,
"No! Your not mommy!"
"Yes I am!"
"No mommy is dead!" I began to cry,
"I can see why"
I bit her hand and she let go,
I cried as I ran in a random direction, luckily I made it home with a bruised wrist,

I snapped out of my trance when I noticed a girl sitting out on her balcony next to me,
I looked over to see a girl,
She had dreadlocks with a bod Marley shirt,
"You got some gum?"
"Uhh, yeah" I said,
Handing her half a pack,
"Thankyou, it's just my breath stinks of Chinese food" she smiled,
"I see" I said sitting back down
"So why are you here?" She asked
Putting out her cigarette
" what do you mean"
"well obviously you must have a good reason to be in this shit whole" she said
She had a point,
"I was in a coma, for around two years, and I finished college, now I'm broke" I shrugged
"Same, I'm broke too," she chuckled
"What about you"
"I dated a asshole, he stole shit from me, money, valuables and disappeared, and now I'm here"
"I'm sorry to hear that" I said
"No bother,"
"Here you can have the rest, I have another pack in my bag" she said throwing me a pack of cigarettes
"I don't smoke"
"I didn't either, it relived stress,"
"But I have asthma maybe I shouldn't"
" I tend to live life at risk, there there if you need them, keep them for emergencies y'know"
I nodded
"No bother, I'm Leslie,"
"I better go inside, I'll Seeya" she said
I nodded,
I looked at the pack of the cigarettes,
I sighed lighting it, breathing in the smoke,
Feeling it destroy my lungs even more,
Puffing out the smoke as I closed my eyes,
Putting in my headphones, playing Pixies- where is my mind,
Staring out as I smoked letting tears well up,
It's like I'm a whole new person trapped in the same body,
The same ugly body that's I have hated for so many years,
I don't like the new me,
The music is right,
Where is my mind gone.
I shook my head after around five minutes and put it out,
I am not gonna get addicted,

Hey guys,
I am now off for two weeks in spring break! Yey
My headmaster literally quoted that I should hit have time to have a social life from now and until after the exams,
Bitch, stfu
I am having a break from school,
I need to get sleep, I miss it,
Even if it means I have to hit myself  over the head with a rock, to knock me out,
Atleast I won't be yawning all the time and getting tired and ready for bed at 1 in the afternoon,
Also I dyed my hair blue, I really like it, it's bright teal,
What do you think of all this,
Poor Chris,
I felt bad when writing that bit,
I love you guys,
Comment what you think,

Oh yeah and thanks to my Art teacher for the song,
I am kinda in love with it,
He put it in in class and it sounded so familiar.
Kinda hooked on it,

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