Its My Job...

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I recommend the song above, Thankyou x

-Unknown POV-

I sat in the back of the car that day,
Observing them both smiling as they yelled, both their voices sounding hurt and angered,
The rain against the window of the car,
Making the road barely visible,
The outside world just a blur of dark grey,
They couldn't see me,
No one ever does,
Yet, everyone seems to believe in me.
For some, I am a blonde haired boy with black eyes,
For others I am a red horned devil that breathes fire,
But that doesn't matter,
All that matters now is the roar of thunder and the sound of the trees crackling above us,
I smiled peacefully, looking back at them both
Paris letting out screams of
"Chris watch out!!"
Then everything slowed,
I sat back plugging in my headphones,
This world seems to have a thing for classical music,
And I am digging it,
I sat back.
Paris and Chris both screaming for dear life,
Paris's arm slowly coming across her small freaked body trying to plug in her seatbelt as the car slips out of control,
Banging there head from side to side,
I sighed in relaxation
And the car hits the fallen tree,
Chris falling through the front window of the car,
Shards of glass falling past him in slow motion,
Paris losing control of her hands,
Dropping the seatbelt buckle making it wrap round her neck,
The scene came back to normal time,
Making a sound of a large bang sound,
Paris's jolting forward, her head banging on ten surface Infront of her,
The belt wrapped extremely tight round her neck,
Chris not even in the car anymore,
He lay on the road,
Their crippled bodies both lay motionless,
I took out my headphones getting out of the trashed car,
My cold hand feeling Paris's cut up bruised cheek,
I went to Chris,
Him passed out also,
I sighed,
I have been watching over them from the day they were born,
I watch over everyone,
From day one,
I kissed Paris's cheek,
I'm sorry I have to do this,
But it's my job,
I watch over everyone,
Through ups and downs,
Heh heh
After all,

I am Death.

Uh oh
Don't kill me please oh my god!
I will update again tonight cause I am free,
I a, supposed to be revising but fuck that,
I am sick of school,
I hope you enjoyed this unusual chapter,
I love you guys,
I'll Seeya soon

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