Let It Out.

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-Chris's POV-
I stormed out, I can't believe this,
she didn't tell me she smoked and to be honest I don't like the fact that I have a girlfriend that puts shit into her lungs resulting in heart and lung problems even though she already has asthma.

There is only so much I can take, fuck she is acting kinda selfish in a way, she knows how much I get over stressed or over reacting to things,

And three,

She didn't know Ben fucking tell, me, God, why didn't she tell me?!

I began to shake my head and sighed, it is now 11 at night and I decided to walk out on the football field and sit under my usual spot, directly under the tree,
I sighed,
"Aww Sarah, am I over reacting? I didn't even let her fucking explain herself, it's been a long week of thinking back to all the memories of you!" I said
"You've been gone for so long I've forgot what love is anymore, all I do is push people away," I yelled,
"I just.,don't know what to do" I began to cry a a little in my hands,
"Let it out" a whisper came from next to me me,
I looked over, my watery eyes went wide at the sight of Sarah sitting peacefully next to me looking out into the foggy field,
"Sarah, you said to me if I was happy you were happy, but I don't even know what happy is no more" I said tears streaming down my face,
"Sometimes it's better to just let things out, I can't rule your life no longer"
"But I can't jus- Sarah?" I looked over,
She was gone.
I stood up grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it letting out yells of anger,
I turned grabbing a a branch from the tree snapping it roughly off and began to hit the tree with it,
I threw it down,
She kills me, Paris, she kills me, but she made me so much happier than I've even felt in a while, what has she done. Nothing, I shook my head and headed back to the dorms,

-Paris's POV-

I got up weakly after Chris left, years store ain't down my face,
He was right, I was being so god damn selfish when I hurt myself last time, i began to get dizzy from hitting my head from before, I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills, Im tired and need to sleep,
I needed to get out of the dorm, I walked to the gym showers that no one uses,
Blood began to pour from my wound on my head as I scratched it,
I barged into the abandoned shower room and got under a shower Turing the water on,
I sat under the shower and took out the bottle, then before I knew it everything went black,

Sorry guys that I have just stopped it there it's cause I am updating another chapter later on Tonight,
But I hope you are enjoying it so far, if not, I am so sorry for this
I ain't no author or posh writer or whatever, tbh I'm just a piece of shit that looks like a piece of shit,
Feeling generally down at the moment, don't really wanna talk about it though, it's kinda embarrassing and stuff, only one person knows, you know who you are.
I will be updating soon don't worry,
Bye guys xx

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