The Girl in the Meadow

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It was a beautiful day in Resembool.  The sun bore down on your back while you were out and the soft breeze swept through the long grass, which felt good on your face.  The children were out playing their games, the men were at work, and the women were smiling at the pies they were making as they watched their children play.  The entire world seemed to be out enjoying the good weather.  That is except one small girl, who has found comfort in her alchemy.

She was in the meadow by her house and was concentrated on making a doll made out of mud.  She tried over and over again with the hope that she could make it.

Finally she got the shape, but it immediately fell apart.  "Awwwwwww," she whined disappointedly,"I was so close that time."

Calming herself, she closed her eyes and placed her hands on the ground.  This helped her concentrate better.  With the picture in her mind she imagined her doll and concentrated on making it real.  Slowly the mud in the center of her transmutation circle turned into a doll with a beautiful yellow dress.

She opened her eyes and found herself staring at a brand new doll.  She hugged it tightly and jumped up and down while shouting for her mother. 

In a flash she ran towards the small, little house shouting,"Mother! Mother! Come see what I made!"

There by the door her mother greeted her with a smile and said cheerfully,"What is it my dear little Luna?"

Luna stood still and excitedly held out her hand, which had her beautiful doll in it.  She was proud of her work and she hoped her mother liked it just as much as she did.

Just as she thought her mother's smile brightened and she said amazed by Luna's work,"Wow that's so beautiful Luna. You're going to be a great alchemist when you grow up... just like your father and I..."

At the mention of Luna's father her mother burst into tears.  Luna wasn't exactly sure what to do to help her mother, for that was one of the things her alchemy couldn't do.  Instead she too burst into tears and said,"Mother don't you cry too."  Luna leapt at her mother and gave her a huge hug.

Her mother brushed Luna's hair softly and replied with a small smile,"Luna I love you."

Luna smiled and answered in tears,"I love you too mother!"

That was the last time they ever got to be happy together for soon Luna had grown very sick.


The doctor and her mother sat next to her as poor Luna coughed and coughed.   Her mother held Luna's hand while the doctor examined her, trying to find out what was wrong.

He'd been coming in for over a week now and still didn't know what was wrong.  He said it was just a high fever, but he wasn't sure.

Finally disrupting the quietness of the house, besides Luna's coughing, the doctor arose and whispered to Luna's mother,"I'm sorry my dear Ana, but I'm  afraid that your daughter has too high a fever to survive. She has a chance that she will, but it's very low."

Her mother was heartbroken at such drastic news and said determinedly,"Luna will make it, she's a strong, young girl."

Luna heard this and coughed,"Mother.. don't worry.. I'll always be with you..." With that she began coughing out of control again.

Her mother squeezed her hand and said hopefully,"No Luna you'll live.  I love you."

Luna smiled and rasped out,"Okay."  She then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The doctor decided it was time to leave and said his apologies.  After he was gone Luna's mother turned and stared at her sickly daughter asleep in bed.  She had so many thoughts going through her head.

Finding herself too tired she crawled in bed next to her daughter and fell asleep too.

In the morning she awoke to find her daughter's body cold and not moving.  She was so scared that she almost fell out of bed.  No her daughter was supposed to live a long and healthy life.

She ran to the door and opened it for the sunlight to come inside.  Balancing with the doorframe, Luna's mother turned to look at her daughter's body, which she noticed was still holding on to the doll she'd made from alchemy.

Suddenly her mother had an idea as she did not want her daughter to leave her too.  She knew it was against the law, but she had to try for her daughter's sake.  Human transmutation would be the only way.

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