Answers Approach

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It had been over a week since Luna had left Asbec and she missed being able to stop by the orphanage and visit the children, but here she was free. She was finally out of that stink hole and now on her way to find answers.

Ever since she was a child she had been too scared to find the answers that she desperately needed and that town had been like her cage keeping her safe yet locked up.

The people of Asbec knew that she always wasn't one of them, and told her to leave or hide among the many orphans, but she tried to ignore them and went to sticking her nose high in the other direction. Although deep down she almost agreed with them. All her life Luna knew that she wasn't like them. She could do strange things that no one even herself could explain, and no matter what she couldn't get injured. She'd fall from a building and be perfectly fine. And once she turned fifteen, she all of a sudden stopped aging. Where was the daring adventure in that? Nothing.

Her thoughts were brought to a halt when she all of a sudden heard the crying of a young boy. Luna stopped abruptly and peered around for the boy but couldn't find any sign of him. When she tried to locate the boy again by then the crying had stopped and all was silent even if it was midday.

The forest had gone silent. Not even a bird or a mouse made the slightest noise. Now that she looked around again she noticed that the forest was completely empty of life as if the animals knew of the great evil present. Luna could sense an evil force in these woods, but it for some reason it felt similar to her own force.

Just then the crying had started again a little ways off this time louder.  Luna curious of who it could possibly be followed the sound to a small clearing where a small patch of sunlight shown through the above branches.  In clearing a boy on his knees was crying.  He was a pale black-haired boy dressed in fine clothes so by the looks of him he wasn't poor.  Luna wondered why a boy like him would be out here in the middle of nowhere pouting.

Creeping up to the boy slowly, Luna cleared her throat not knowing what to say to comfort a crying boy.  Sure she had helped to comfort crying children back at the orphanage but she was never very good at understanding others feelings.  What could she say to help this boy?

Just when she was at least two feet away from the boy he got up quickly and started laughing.  His chortled laughs were full of mockery as if he were plotting Luna's demise and had already declared victory.  Something was definitely wrong about this boy.  Just in that moment Luna realized that the boy had already gotten her to fall into his trap.  Why did she let herself get into this? And what exactly was this boy planning?  So many questions kept going through her mind making her head spin.

An eerie grin appeared on the boy's face and he began with wisdom far beyond his years,"Hello Luna we've been waiting for you."

Luna was confused at the fact that he knew her name but for some reason she wasn't scared at all.  "Wh-who are you.. and how do... you know my name?", Luna began with a squeaky voice.

The boy only laughed again and replied with a smirk,"Me.. I am Pride and let me tell you that people like me know when someone just like me is around."

Fear began to rise in Luna's chest as she realized that this boy, now known as Pride, was not normal, but what did he mean about her being just like him. Luna wasn't anything like him and if she was then what was she. It was true that she never had exactly felt normal and always felt left out but surely she was human.

When she took too long to answer Pride took the honor for her. "Tell me you too haven't been able to truly fit in with humans your whole life, right? Well that's because you're not human," the evil boy smiled as if he was proud to say what he was about to tell her,"you are like me, a homunculus."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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