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There she stood at the open door, staring into a dark and gloomy home that at one point was a bright and cheerful home.  Ana had never dreamed of facing a huge choice such as this.  If she chose to commit the taboo then she'd be stuck in a life of hiding her crime, but if she didn't do it then she'd never forgive herself for it.

Finally she'd made her choice: she would do it.  She hurried to the shed to gather her alchemy supplies, which she'd kept tucked away since her husband's death.  It felt like forever since she'd used it and yet she was glad to see it again.  She felt like a bird being released from its cage.

Once Ana had gathered all the necessary supplies for a human transmutation she rushed to the dark house and got to work. She drew a transmutation circle and ordered all of the ingredients for a human body in it. Standing over the ingredients she drew a knife and cut her finger for DNA in her blood. Time seemed to slow as the drop of blood fell among the ingredients and mixed with it.

All of a sudden bright purple light shone through the room and Ana fell to knees with her hands covering her ears.  The screaming was louder than anything she had ever heard and sadder than than anything that she had ever experienced.  It was her poor daughters screams.  Her soul screamed and moaned to be let go. 

Ana suddenly regretted her choice to attempt to bring her daughter back to life.  As she watched this horror she now understood why human transmutation was a taboo for all alchemists. 

What had she done?

Within a few seconds the room was dark again with no evidence of Luna having moved or screamed like she had only moments ago.  Ana slumped against the doorframe and wiped her sweat on her forehead.  It took awhile for her to take in all that had happened.  Finally she just couldn't hold it back anymore and cried there in that sad, little house for she knew that her sweet, little Luna wasn't coming back.

While Ana was slumped against the doorframe crying,  a bright light came from the transmutation circle on the ground.  Next thing she knew,  she was standing in front of a giant metal door with a person sitting before it.

The person smiled and spoke,"Hello human, I am Truth," keeping that mischievous grin on his face the entire time.

"Now I hear that you would like to bargain with me and trust me that won't be an easy task."

Looking over Ana he proposed a deal to her,"How about something like a soul for a soul.  A mother giving up her life for her daughter's would be so sweet."  The person, now known as Truth, sat there in silence patiently waiting for Ana's reply.

Ana just stood there frozen.  How did she get here and who exactly was this mysterious and unknown Truth?  Did the transmutation really work or not?  What was she supposed to do now?  She had no idea, but she knew one thing and that was that she wanted her daughter back.  She wanted her daughter to at least have a long life to look forward to.

Finally Ana shook herself out of fear and answered Truth with a wavering yet confident voice,"Truth, I come here with one request and that is that you give my daughter life.  I don't care about mine just give her back her life."

Truth smiled even bigger and replied to her,"And you shall have that request answered, but I do need a little something else from you since her soul is much stronger than your's."

"I shall give your daughter life, but she shall still be mine.  She'll my little homunculus."

Ana didn't like the sound of that, but it was better than nothing and at least her daughter would have a life to look forward to.  Whoever this Truth was he was far from normal.  Ana faced him and said,"I agree to terms just bring back my daughter."  This wasn't how she had wanted it to be, but she was doing it for her little Luna.

Luna deserved a long, good life.  She smiled softly and watched her life go away as Truth pulled her soul from her body.  She joined the other side of the door and smiled as she watched Luna return to life.

Everything was dark.  That's what Luna remembered and there a stranger named Truth who kept smiling at her, telling her that it'd soon be over.  When she woke up she looked around at the mess.  Her gaze stopped at her mother's lifeless body.  Her eyes widened and she ran to her side.

She sat by her mother cried wishing for her to come back, but it wouldn't work.  Staring at her mother's face with tears in her eyes, Luna realized that she had her doll at her side.

She hugged it and said to it,"Dolly why does my mommy have to leave me? Why?"

Luna sat there hugging her doll, and cuddled against her mother wishing over and over again for her mother to come back and comfort her one last time.

Almost Human(Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum