Being Confident

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Oh! I need to confess

That I always made a mess

'Cause I was too nervous

On the dice I made such a fuss!

When I check up those glaring eyes

I sense my stomach's full of running mice!

It sends shivers onto my spine

And I lose my voice, can't even whine!

I just let out a frown

As sweat beads trickled down.

With these haunting fears

Rolled down many a tears.

Those thoughts made me burn

But I knew the tables may turn.

I wanted to give it a try

So that later I won't have to cry.

I felt my heart beating very fast,

I knew some magic I needed to cast.

The echoes "you can do it!!"

That I heard, made my face lit!

I breathed in some confidence

And concentrated on my performance.

I didn't care for people's likes,

I was no more scared of the mikes!

My joy knew no bounds

When I heard those sounds.

The loud applause and good comments

From everyone, spilled my success' scents!!

Dear readers, I am so happy to finally publish my work here on wattpad.. As you know, this is my very first poem here.. As I was thinking of publishing my works, I had this mixed bag of feelings, which also included fear.. That's when I decided the first poem should be this one.. I hope this poem could boost your self confidence and lift you up too.. :)

If you liked my poem, then please do VOTE for me, that'll mean the world to me.. Drop down a COMMENT below and let me know your views and opinions.. Comments of all kind are welcome ... :) and you can also PM me anytime and I'll always be there for you when you need me (I love talking).. :) 

Thanks a lot for reading!!!

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