Letter to Mr.Pimple #flibbertigibbetcontest

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Dear readers.. Thank you for your  wonderful support till now :) You guys have been so amazing.. And I'm so elated to get more and more amazing readers.. 

This poem is a sequel to PIMPLE PARTY... If you loved PIMPLE PARTY then I'm sure you'll love this one too.. :) Read and tell me how you like it.. I'd love to hear from you...please do vote if you loved this one as well :)

Dear Pimple party and Mr. Pimple,

Here's a request so simple...

I don't remember exactly when

You made my face your den.

First you popped your head

And then your friends you led.

This I never really lent,

And you never paid any rent!

I would've charged really high

As you always made me sigh!

It's time you cease your feast,

You unwelcome guest, you beast!!

For how long will you be a parasite?

Just get lost! Or get ready to fight!!

Requests have transformed to orders

As you have crossed all the borders!

Once more I remind you,

Your departure is already due!!

(Published in 'Children's World' magazine in 2015)

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