The Traitor

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Minx's POV

I woke up the next morning the happiest i had been since i got to this school. Ohm and I were dating now, but we left at different times from our houses so I was already at school by the time he got there. But today I wanted to walk with him so I decided to wait in front of my house to see when Ohm left so I could walk with him. I texted him asking him what time he was leaving.

M: Hey just wondering what time you are leaving this morning.

O: Around 8:00 see you at school Minxy!!

M: Ya see you then Ohmie

O: Love you Minxy

M: Love you too Ohmie

I was going to suprise him by waiting, I usually leave around 7:45 so fifteen extra minutes couldnt hurt right?

Wrong it hurt worse then you could imagine.

I saw him leave his house and start walking down the street but...he...he...was..holding...someones


I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I was so confused, if he liked me why was he holding hands with Adam? Maybe he never did love me. I started crying and ran to school. Ohm must have seen me running and crying because he started yelling my name. I got to school and told Lizzie. She was horrorified. "That traitor!" She growled. "You cant tell anyone it was Adam, I dont want to be a bully." I said. "Fine but you dont go anywhere near him okay, if I ever see him hurt you again, he's dead meat got it." I nodded. I was still crying. Ohm came up to me like everything was normal, as if I hadnt seen what he did. "Whats wrong Minxy?" He asked putting his arm around me. Lizzie pushed him off me, he fell to the ground. "GET OFF HER YOU TRAITOR PEICE OF SHIT!!!" Lizzie was screaming at him. "IF YOU SO MUCH AS PUT A FINGER ON HER THAT HURTS HER AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Lizzie really was my best friend. "What happened." Ohm asked as if nothing had happened. "YOU AND ADAM ARE PEICES OF SHIT AND IF EITHER OF YOU HURT HER AGAIN BOTH OF YOU WILL DIE!!!" Lizzie was furious. So was I but I had no words for how angry I was. Ohm and Adam's eyes widened. "Wait she saw..." Ohm trailed off. "YA SHE FUCKING SAW YOU PRICK, AND NOW MY BESTFRIEND IN THE WORLD IS HURT BECAUSE OF YOU!! Lets go Minx." She says to me calmly, picking me up by my arm and walking away.

I needed my razor, I needed to release my pain. I found one in my backpack, and headed to the bathroom. I started by my elbow and made my way down, I forgot how much it hurt, I locked the door behind me when I came in so no one would see me. I heard Lizzie knocking on the door for me to let her in. I started to get dizzy and fell to the floor with the blade still in my hand. I remember Lizzie yelling my name as she heard me fall to the floor.

-- In dream--

Ohm was standing over me his stretched out like he was going to slap me. He did. "YOU CAN CHOOSE BETWEEN ME OR YOUR FRIENDS" He shouted at me. I looked at him again, he looked different he kinda looked like the grim reaper but with big black wings. "W-what are y-you??!!" "I am death and you can choose between me or your new family." "What family?" "Lizzie, Aphmau, Joel, Joey, Seepeakay, Stacy, Gassy, Zeigs, Cathy, Adam, Dlive, Entoan and Ohm"But they hurt me like I didnt matter to them, I dont know what I want." "Well you have to choose Minx, you are about to run out of  blood. Lizzie is next to you crying so much that her cheeks are pealing, she doesnt want you to leave neither does Ohm, hes there too. Up against the wall with his head in his knees crying his eyes out, hes sorry Minx, but you have to choose." I thought for a second, but only one. "I want to live!!!" I shouted

I opened my eyes, the room was bright white. I could hear the heart monitor start speeding up as I woke up. I tryed to sit up

Lizzie's POV

I heard the heart monitor start to beep faster. I heard the bed shuffle. I looked up at Minx, SHE WAS AWAKE!!! She was trying to sit up but before she could I stopped her with a relieved sob. "Just rest Minx." I said. Ohm was asleep on the floor leaning against the wall. I hate him now, he put her here and now he was sorry??? Not after he hurt her but after she sent herself to the hospital because she couldnt take it. He started waking up. He saw me hugging her and walked over. "Minx, I'm so glad your awake!!!" He said. Seeing him happy made me sick. He deserved to die in hell for hurting her. He was about to hug her, but I cut him off. "Don't touch her!!!" I growled at him. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Please Lizzie I said I was sorry!!" He said. "Do I look Like I care to you!!! Get out now or I'll call the nurses." He looked sad. "L-l-lizzie." Minx whispered behind me. I leaned next to her so I could hear her. "Don't call the nurses, you get him out!!!" She whisper cheered with me. I giggle, so did she. I'm glad she was okay. "Miss Manga, you are able to leave whenever you like." She said. "T-thank you miss." Minx said. Minx started to get up. I gave her my arm to support her. She took it and we walked out together. Ohm was still here. I growled at him as we passed him in the hallway. We got into my car. "Thank you Lizzie." Minx said still sounding weak. "I have an idea!! How about you stay at my place for a couple days!!!" "I'd love too" She replied excitedly. 

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