Chapter 3~

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"Nice house ! "

Youngbae said while looking at our home ..

"So , why do you want to see me all of a sudden ?"

He asked out of curiosity I think.

"Nothing really."

I replied with a heavy sigh ..

"You look upset.
What's bothering you?"

He's really a true friend. He knows everything about me, how could I lie to him...

"Unfortunately , it's about Seunghyun .."

"Again ? Whats with it ? Did you two fought ?"

"No we didn't, I swear .. Its just that I think he want a child. And we both know the fact that I don't have the capacity to give it to him. "

"Hahaha so that was just the reason why you're upset? "

"JUST ? Its a big deal! "

"No, its not. You two could adopt. As many kid as you want .."

"Its easier to be said than done. You can say that because you're not in my position. "

"Oh c'mon Jiyong you're just thinking too much .. Let me ask you this , is there a time that Seunghyun hyung asked you to give him a child ?? "

".......He never asked "

"See? Then you better stop those dramas and just enjoy your married life . Honestly, I envy both of you ... Even if you don't have others had you still have each other and for me thats more than enough .. "

" Hahaha too much drama you said ? Hahahah "

"Anyway where is your loving husband ? "

"Oh! His with Seungri right now .. Dealing with some businesses I think .. Anyway don't mind them .."

Few days later ...


I just finished taking a shower when I saw someone's calling on Seunghyun's phone ..

"Babe ! Someone's calling !! "

"Go answer it for me !!"

He shouted from the kitchen ..

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