Chapter 6~

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The word stress was written all over Jiyong's face..

All that was left for him after the divorce was work..

The only thing that he knew that won't leave him...

After the divorce Seunghyun decided to withdraw from the band and settled down..

He married the girl..

And of course Jiyong was in pain now..

But what else he could do?

He just let those things passed..

But now he can't concentrate..

And he was tired drinking beers or any alcoholic beverages..

It will only destroy his body but not the pain.

The pain..

The same pain he felt long time ago..

The same pain he tried to cure..

The same pain he felt because of the same person..


Jiyong can't take it anymore..

He's too bitter..

He needs something sweet.


Strawberry milk..

He then went to his refrigerator..

But suddenly..

"Even strawberry milk chose to leave me.."

He thought to his own and laughed..

A weak one..

He then decided to go to the supermarket near his place
Well sad too say convenience store was not that near..

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