Chapter 4~

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"What the hell Seunghyun! I thought you was over her! Then what is this again?"

"Stop it Jiyong! Not now I'm tired.."

"Tired? Now you're telling me you're tired? Why? Because you didn't prepare an excuse for this fucking pictures!!!"

"You know what Jiyong I don't care anymore! Believe them if you want.. Believe what ever you want!! You won't listen to me anyway!!"

"Fuck it Seunghyun! Stop being a bullshit!!! Last time I thought you will do something to fix this. To fix us! But damn! What is this! You were caught again! Together with her!!! For heavensake Seunghyun explain this!!!!"

"Explain? Explain again Jiyong?! Then what? You won't believe me again? You would ignore me again? What do you think Jiyong? you're the only one hurting? I'm hurting too. Whenever I want to hug you will ignore me like you don't know me. Whenever I will kiss you, you will push me away like I'm gross or something! Jiyong it hurts. And you know what hurts me more? Knowing that I'm married with you but I can't depend on you. You should be the one by my side right now. But its so ironic that you're also the one who makes me feel useless! Jiyong I don't need your judgment! I need your acceptance! I'm fine if all of them hates me! The hell I care.. But you.."

Tears were now falling from Seunghyun's eyes..

Jiyong was speechless..

He knew that Seunghyun was hurt but how about him?

"Seunghyun.. Just answer me.. Why can't you leave her!?"



"She's pregnant.. Carrying my child.."


"That's why I can't leave her.. She have it Jiyong.. The thing I'm wanting for too long.. She have my child Jiyong... What should I do.."

Jiyong was dumbfounded..

It feels like the wall he tried hard to fixed suddenly collapsed..

Seunghyun was crying looking at his trembling hands...

"D-do you love her?"

"I-i don't know Ji.. I d-dont know.."

Jiyong was sure crying now..

His legs suddenly lost its balance..

He sat down..


Crying all the hell out of him..

His mind was mixed of different thoughts..

Seunghyun knelt down and hugged Jiyong..

"S-so what are we now Seunghyun.. What is she in our relationship? The child! how about the child? How about me? How about us? S-seunghyun.."

Jiyong asked confused between his sobs ...    

"I don't know Ji.. I really don't know.."

And all you could here was a sobs and panting inside the quiet room...


When you thought it was forever..

When you thought happy ending really do exist..

But suddenly..

You will realize that maybe..

Destiny was playing a trick on you..

Will test you..

Will tease you..

Trying to see how long could you stand..

Trying to find out how hard will you fight..

Then you will rephrase your thoughts..

That maybe destiny didn't played a trick on you..

It was Fate..

It was fate's way to tell you that..

You don't need to stand anymore..

You should stop fighting..

Because its not a test anymore..

No more teasing..

No more playing..

It was the reality..

The reality..

That you're not really meant to be...

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