Chapter 3

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Again guys two updates today so check out chapter 2 before this.
"Do you want something to eat?"

Cecilia jumped at the voice, letting out a little squeak as Sophia appeared in front of her snickering at her reaction.

"Where on earth did you pop out from?" Cecilia asked incredulously.

"I'm sure that at this age you perfectly know where I popped out from." Sophia said with humour.

Giving her a blank look Cecilia replied in a dry voice,

"ha ha. Very funny."

"Anyway, back to my question. Do you want something to eat, because there is a really amazing, hot and delicious Pease-soup being served."

Cecilia could already feel her mouth watering as she scanned her eyes across the food table and straight away found what she was looking for. Her stomach rumbled just in time letting her know that she was hungry and food was near.

Hearing the noise Sophia went back to teasing her,

"Oh you're definitely hungry alright. Come on, let's go. I'll rather serve you than those pigs over there." She pointed at a group of men towering over the table ripping at the chicken as if it was their first and last meal ever.

Scrunching their faces in disgust both started to walk towards the table when Sophia asked,

"Where is Lord Clarendon? Wasn't he with you a few minutes ago?"

He was Cecilia thought, but then remembered how one of the guards had come rushing to him, whispering something in his ear in a quick frenzy and without giving it a second thought both had rushed out of the hall.

"He was, but one of his guards came in, told him something and they literally ran out of here. He looked very angry and kind of worried. I hope everything is OK though. He has already enough on his plate to worry about."

Reaching the table Cecilia smiled and greeted a few guests while Sophia pulled out a chair for her. As Sophia started serving her she said,

"I think it might be to do with the thief."

Startled, Cecilia looked at her with wide eyes,

"What thief?"

"You don't know?" Asked Sophia.

"No, I don't. Now tell me what and who are you talking about."

The food was long forgotten as Sophia knelt down next to Cecilia and told her in a quiet voice,

"Well, apparently there is a thief who has been stealing from Lord Clarendon. Not just money, but anything expensive he can get his hands on. I mean he stole a lot of food and, some of the silver cutlery like spoons, plates and cups. The night before he actually was able to steal a lot of Lord Clarendon's money from his safe. I mean he has some courage to do that, and we think it's not him alone either. We think that he has accomplices and Agatha yesterday said that there might be someone from inside as well, helping him."

Digesting all the information Cecilia asked,

"Why did I not have any knowledge of this?"

"I don't know. I thought you knew. Maybe Lord Clarendon didn't want you to worry I guess," Said Sophia with uncertainty.

Not convinced Cecilia didn't bother with a response and stared at her plate, her appetite long gone.

"Hey," Sophia nudged her softly, "don't let it affect you too much. I'm sure it's nothing too serious. I mean, come on we are talking about Lord Clarendon here. I'm sure he will soon find out whoever is behind all these robberies."

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