Chapter 4

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Bright light hit Cecelia's face as Sophia opened the curtains. Groaning and turning her face away from the light, Cecelia mumbled a weak "get out".

Rolling her eyes in annoyance Sophia approached her, gave her a push and said,

"Come on. Wake up. Lord Clarendon would be waiting for you at the breakfast table, and I suggest you do not miss it this time. He won't be pleased."

Giving a martyred sigh, Cecelia lazily rolled out of the bed and stood up, stretching and yawning as her eyes adjusted to the light. Giving Sophia a hard glare she said,

"I hate you."

"No you don't." Sophia smirked.

Releasing a loud groan Cecelia stalked into the bathroom.

After half an hour Cecelia sat fully dressed in a beautiful, maroon coloured, silk dress in front her mirror.

While Sophia was braiding her hair, she said,


To which Sophia replied with a small unenthusiastic, "hmm?"

"Do you think we will see Theo again maybe?" Cecelia asked.

Sophia's hands froze in the middle of the task as she looked up at Cecelia with a playful look and said,

"Well we didn't exactly make a good first impression. I mean we were practically drooling over him. So I'm going to go with a big fat NO."

"Oh." A disappointed look crossed her face.

"And why do you look so sad about that?" Sophia asked.

"Well I liked him. He seemed really nice in my opinion." She said.

Facing Cecelia "Is it a friend kind of like? Or 'Oh no, he's so handsome and I'm falling for him' kind of like?" Sophia asked.

"Oh please, I don't think of him in that sense. It's just that it has been a long time since I have met someone new. I mean I only know you and Lord Clarendon and you two are the only people I associate myself with. I mean I love you guys, but it can get boring," Cecelia winked at her, "plus he likes you anyway," she finished.

Giving a dry laugh Sophia said,

"Uhh no. No, he doesn't."

"Well, I think he does. I mean he kept glancing at you." Cecelia teased her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, "and your hair is done now. Come on let's go now. Lord Clarendon would be waiting for you at the breakfast table.

Getting off the chair Cecelia put her shoes on and exited her room.

Walking into the wide hallway, ahead of them was a flight of stairs leading them straight to the dining hall. Holding her dress, both of them descended the stairs and walked towards the open door.

Sophia went towards the kitchen as Cecelia entered the room. The dining room was square in shape, with a high ceiling. There was a huge, rectangular table in the middle surrounded by twelve chairs. The furniture was furnished with rich expensive colours such as Gold and red. There was a piano being played in a very soft and low voice in the background. There was a small fireplace, with two tall, glass vases on either side, displaying bouquets of sweet smelling flowers. Above the table a chandelier hung with the morning sun glinting off the glass.

Lord Clarendon was already seated at the head of the table, cutting an apple when he looked up at the sound of her heels hitting against the white polished floor.

As she approached him, a servant pulled out a chair and started to put the necessary utensils in front of her in a practiced way. Cecelia smiled at her and said a quite thank you as the servant hurried away to refill the tea pot.

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