Hunter Becomes the Hunted{Huntsman Gajeel X Witch Levy}

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{Requested by: @lilyraven7 }


Levy McGarden

Accused of practicing sorcery and/or witchcraft

If found, kill immediately and transfer the corpse directly to the local authorities

Gajeel Redfox reread the newly posted wanted poster, a slight smirk forming upon his face. Her picture that the guards used for the poster made the tall man snort in amusement. She appeared to be no more than a mere adolescent, short in stature and incredibly petite. She would be no match for him, and the reward money would keep him going for then next several months. Yes, Levy McGarden would fall prey to the huntsman. There was no doubt about that.

Trotting back towards his small cottage, the iron pierced man thought over a plan to lure the witch away from any power-driven sources. While she was rather shrimpy, he knew that he didn't stand a chance against any magic that she possibly possessed. Therefore, it would be wise of him to avoid any magic infested areas.

Kicking his door open, he walked over towards his small desk--a small cat resting beside it. Petting his cat, Gajeel sat down, unrolling one of his many hunting maps. Quickly, he pin-pointed the area in which a witch would most likely reside. It was a densely forested area, with small pockets of magical energy sprouted about here and there. If this little witch were to actually be here, the pierced huntsman would have to tread carefully. Any spot among those trees could potentially house magic for her to use against him.

Grabbing his pack, he stuffed it with his map, dagger, food, and other necessities. He patted his panther-looking house pet one last time. "I'll be back soon, with enough jewel to give ya lots of nice kiwi, gihi. Take care, Lily!"

He left his house quickly, setting forth with sheer determination. Nothing would get in the way of his jewel...nothing. His cottage was already located at the edge of the exact forest that he needed to be in, which almost caused Gajeel to shudder. Who knew that such a demonic woman could live so nearby?

"Now ain't the time ta be thinkin' of that, ya moron," he growled to himself, treading onward.

Reaching a denser part of the forest, he slowed in pace, knowing that she would be nearby. A shatter suddenly sounded below Gajeel. Picking up his right foot, he noticed that his hunting boots had stepped on what appeared to be an oddly shaped bottle. A purple substance oozed from the shattered pieces of glass, the smell alone causing the huntsman to sway a bit. His eyes widened when he realized what it was. That little devil had known of his coming, considering she left traps of her own out. But how could she have known that, without observing him for weeks ahead of today?

His vison was blurring, and he cursed under his breath. This was a sleeping potion that he had stepped on, no doubt the kind used by inhaling. The little shrimp was smarter than he originally thought.

"Stupid...little brat," he managed to mumble out before completely giving into the welcoming darkness.


When the huntsman awoke from his visit with darkness, he noticed immediately that he was trapped in an orange, glowing sphere--one that was bound under a special force of magic.

"Well, well, well...Gajeel Redfox is it?" a soft voice giggled from the shadows.

Gajeel glared in the direction of the voice. "Levy McGarden..."

A small woman, her blue curls held back by a black headband, stepped forth, a predatory gleam plastered upon her face. "I've been expecting you, you know."

The pierced man tried his best to ignore her, but he couldn't deny the fact that Levy was undeniably attractive--or well, at least to him anyways. "How long have you known about my plan?"

"Oh, a few weeks perhaps. I simply couldn't allow myself to be captured, especially by the likes of you," she giggled out, tapping the sphere that held Gajeel captive.

"And what are ya gonna do--kill me? I ain't afraid to die, Shrimp," he spat towards her, giving her a harsh glare.

She merely laughed. "Kill? I've better things for you, Gajeel Redfox."

"And that is?..."

The blunette smirked, erasing the orange sphere. Though, Gajeel was still magically bound against the wall. Slowly and--almost seductively, Levy swayed towards him, swinging her hips slightly. It took everything within the pierced man not to gulp at the side of her wide, curvaceous hips swaying like that.

"'re strong, fit, and incredibly attractive. Why would I kill such a handsome man?" she purred in his ear, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face.

"So yer gonna make me some kinda--"

"Not quite. I have a...proposition for you..." she purred still, winking at him.

His eyes widened slightly. "And that is?"

She smirked. "Marry me and father my children, and I will grant you with as much jewel as you could possibly desire."

"How could I know that you ain't just bluffin'?" he asked. He was never a honest man, barely able to follow his village's laws. He'd get his jewel in almost any way, and besides--he would also be in possession of a woman like Levy McGarden. What more could he possibly want?

Swaying over to a somewhat large chest, the blunette flicked it open, revealing an overflowing amount of jewel. The sight of it alone nearly caused Gajeel to drool. The short woman giggled, walking back towards him. "So, what do you say...Gajeel?"

He glanced down at her, a somewhat evil smirk crossing his face. "Count me in, Levy."

{Oh well, I tried hehe. I hope that you guys like this little one-shot anyways! And yes, Levy was WAYYY out of character, but it was really fun to write ^w^! Remember that you can request as many ideas as you want! I have no limit! Please vote, comment, share, follow, and spread the Gajevy love!}

{Next Time: Soft-Sided Gajeel x Scared Levy, requested by @Fandom_Dork }

{Time After Next Time: Man-Bun Gajeel x Man-Bun Obsessed Levy, requested by @Savsisaspasticllama }

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