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(A/n: 125% of this chapter is utterly and completely true. Every single detail down to the tears I shed writing this. Also the picture is the new cover for my new book I'll be publishing instead of Part of Me. I really hope you enjoy this chapter And

Stay classy ;3)


The best kind of relationships begin unexpectedly. When you get the astonished feeling and everything happens so suddenly. That's why you don't look for love. It comes to you just at the right time; the time you never thought it would have...

-Erens Pov-

I am dead. I have always been dead. I remember the day vividly, as if a dream, repeating in my mind endlessly. I am dead because of my own mistakes, and my choices led me to my ending. I liked to blame my death on the world around me, and the choices that they made on me. When in reality I was just fooling myself into believing my own lies. I wanted to live, and I wanted to grow up, and be like everyone else. I had a family, and I had friends. I had a boyfriend; if you would even call it that. We had been on a few dates in the time I was alive. We kissed a lot. I even lost my virginity to him. Shouldn't that mean him and I are boyfriends? I still don't know, because I can't find the answers when I am dead. Then again, I could never find the answers when I was alive.

When I killed myself... it felt so weird. A flurry of emotions filled up my body. Regret. Guilt. Shame. I regret when I had killed myself. I know I was sad, and I know I was going through a lot. I was so tired, so sick, so done. I was at the breaking point of my life. My timer was up.


I wish I could change it. I wish I could change it all. If only I could...


"Oh come on Levi! It's Christmas! You can't be free on Christmas! Even so, it is your Birthday too!" I tugged on his arm, whining to him. We were both relaxing inside his house. It had a warm and cozy feeling to it. We were all having a small, pre-christmas party. Hanji was baking all of the sweets whilst Erwin was cooking up the dinner. When most movies, or books describe a party, they make it look or sound like this rager party with alcohol or people getting high off drugs. This party, unlike most, was a calm and peaceful party. We all were huddled in the house while the wind outside whipped around mercilessly.

Levi sighed, holding his drink with one hand, steam rising from his porcelain tea cup, holding the handle as he took a long and slow sip. It was the kind of sip where it made the loud slurping sound. It rang through my ears as I whined once more, pushing his arm with a pout. "Rude," I huffed, looking away, my arms crossing over my chest. Levi turned his head towards me, now fully facing me with his emotionless face. With slow movements, he put down his tea cup onto the Christmas themed coffee coasters. With his now free hand, he put it on the back of my neck, giving me his usual blank face as he leaned closer to my lips. His hand warm on my neck from the tea cup he had previously held. "Would a rude person, do this?" he asked, pushing his lips onto my own.

Petra was the first to notice from the small group of people that we had invited to the party. "Ooooo!" Petra gasped, winking at us as Levi and I kissed. "Oh ew! Get a room, sickos!" Chuckled Erwin as he joked along with everyone else. I just rolled my eyes in response, pulling myself closer to Levi. We had to pull away after a while due to other people being in the room with us shouting "Get a room!" A heavy blush blanketed over my cheeks as I looked away from Levi. "Is Levi... no way!" Hanji gasped, pointing at Levi with a wide and happy grin.

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