Just another day

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I was at the bus. Listening to the same old favourite music. My thoughts running away. Thinking of countries I could never visit and places I can never be. Why would life be so unfair? I mean what did I do to deserve such punishments.. My family was poor and I couldn't go anywhere but that was the least of my problems. These days I couldn't ever carry my soul. I was hardly even adjusting to the absence of my best friend. I hope he is better off now that he lives to the clouds. Losing him was like losing a relative. It was devastating. Just thinking that I wouldn't even get to see him again made me want to cry. He is surely in less pain now but I'm in lot more. But who cared anyway? No one cares about me. That's why I was shut to myself all these days. I barely went outside and if I did I would be dressed in a way that I would pass unnoticed. As if the other times people noticed me. Hah. I have nothing special. Nor am I beautiful. I heard someone calling me,interrupting my thoughts. Not with my name but a kind of nickname. Not familiar voice. I heard him saying "Hey cute girl with the blue hair." I removed my headphones and someone was looking at the song name that was on my phone's screen. "Arctic Monkeys huh?" I nodded surprised that he even knew the band. I was analyzing his face having questions in my head about him. He was a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a stunning smile. Easy to fall in love with. But I didn't want to. Cause I knew he wouldn't fall for me. Why would he? I mean look at me. You could see from kilometres away that I am a mess. "Am I allowed to know your name?" he asked formally. I smiled "Adelaide is my name" "Hmm..what a special name!" he answered with his mind seeming kind of absorbed by that "Yours?" I asked remembering that you haven't even known his yet "Callum" he said half-smiling. "Is there something weird about me?" he asked and I snaped out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I wondered what he was talking about "You look at me like you're seeing an alien" oh god he noticed "Oh sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable you just reminded me of someone.." I said trying to cover up the embarassement I felt "Yeah a lot of people say I'm a Cameron Dallas look-alike." he answered and laughed nervously. But why was he even nervous? Because of me and my awkwardness. If it isn't that obvious already... We didn't talk after that. In 5 minutes I would get off that bus and leave. With no chance of seeing him again. Or one chance at a million. I got up from my seat and headed to the door. The door opened and as I touched ground I heard the boy saying "Nice to meet you". I turned and smile. And then the words faded when the doors closed and the bus starting moving. 

So this is the end of the first part. Hope you enjoyed, If you liked it vote or if you didn't comment what part didn't you like,what I should change e.t.c. Also you can comment what you would like to happen in the next part! I will take every comment into consideration. 

xoxo,the writer:)

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