Untitled part

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We sat down on a bench. He was looking at me with question marks shaped above his head.

"So?" he asked

"So what?"

"What happened?"

"Ohh. I keep forgetting there's a giant gauze surrounding my head shouting out "I'm dumb af look at me"

He laughs. I sigh.

"So.... Umm.... Look.. its complicated. But I think you should know. Since it was kinda rude for me to not recognize you. The truth is; Im not sure either. It's all messed up in there" I pointed at my head. "And I don't remember much"

He was listening with such dedication yet gazing with much discretion.

"I remember feeling the cuts in my hands" I show him the wounds

"And banging my head against the floor while falling and going unconscious"

He's starting to get worried.

"Then there is the hospital, my dad, medications. But I never really learned why there was the broken mirror and all of this that happened"

He strokes my hair gently with his hand

"It's okay. It's all gonna be fine. Life anyway is not about the past. The whole point of living is in the present"


We took a walk through the green parts of the park until the sun finally hid himself.

"I guess this is it"..." For now I hope"

"Hope I run into you in the infinite universe again"

"The feelings are mutual. Goodnight princess Headache"

"Hahaha. Sorry but I'll figure out a nickname later, I'm way too tired now. Goodnight"

And we separate our ways.

So this is the end of this part. Hope you enjoyed, If you liked it vote or if you didn't comment what part didn't you like,what I should change e.t.c. Also you can comment what you would like to happen in the next part! I will take every comment into consideration.

xoxo,the writer:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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