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I woke up the next morning in a hospital room. But I couldn't remember much. What happened? Why am I here? Who brought me here? I couldn't remember a thing. I opened widely my eyes to see more clear and saw someone half-sleeping on the chair next to bed. I couldn't recognise the figure. Doctors came in and talked to my. Apparently that was my father that got a weird feeling like a premonition last night, drove 3 hours to my house (I live on my own),without me answering any of his call during his driving. He arrived only to find me unconscious and immediately called an ambulance. The doctors said that if he hadn't arrived fast enough I would possibly be dead by now. I still couldn't recognise his figure but his aura was friendly to me. I couldn't also remember what happened and neither did the doctors know. All they said is that they found me with glasses all over me. They had assumed I had commited suicide. But nobody was still sure. The only thing they know is about a broken mirror. When I heard of broken mirror some pictures came as flashbacks in my mind. But then I got dizzy and lost my senses again.


"Hey,hey,hey are you okay?" I heard a male voice. "Who are you? What happened?" Everything was blurry once again. "Oh not again" he said "What????" I asked worried. WHAT WAS HAPPENING. I WAS FREAKING OUT. I heard whispers among the doctors right above my head. "Its the 10th time in this week.." THIS WEEK? BUT IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY THAT I WAS AT HOME! Or wasn't it? "I''m sorry but how long have I been here?" I asked "3 weeks" WHAT? Oh my God. What was happening? I kept remembering and then losing my memory all over again. I'm terrified. I'm in an unfriendly room full of people I didn't know. I started sobbing. The doctors came closer. They gave me a pill that they said would help me relax and start remember things. I didn't see any effects. I tried to sleep. Maybe sleep would help.


Some days after the doctors said I could go home. I still hadn't got back my full memory but they said it will came back at me in pieces and that phase would be forgotten in a few weeks (maximum) . Of course an adult would have to take care of me so my "dad" was all day at my house. I had finally got back home.. 4 weeks after the unknown incident. I took my pills and rested on the couch. I was too tired of all the examinations so I decided not to do anything for the rest of the day. I only ate and then slept until next day..

So this is the end of this part. Hope you enjoyed, If you liked it vote or if you didn't comment what part didn't you like,what I should change e.t.c. Also you can comment what you would like to happen in the next part! I will take every comment into consideration.

xoxo,the writer:)

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