To new beginnings

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It was a brand new day. I got up in a good mood. My skin was exposed to the warm sun coming into the room from the open door. But who had opened the door to my balcony? I live alone,don't I? My eyes searched quickly in the other rooms for another human being. And then I remembered. Dad-a little bit of memory loss. "Right" I sighed and walked to the kitchen. Thoughts were storming in my head. I had to make this day different. It was such a nice day. I mean nature seemed happy too. I had to go outside today. I feel like I haven't been outside for too long. But first I needed to find some reminders of who I am. Such a silly thing.. to not remember your own self. I finished the breakfast I had found already served for me and got back to my room. 


I was short so I was simply feeling the selves with my bare hands,being on my toes. I was afraid to use a chair because if I fell I might lose my memory again. Maybe worse this time. I found something that felt like a notebook and grabbed it. I sat on my bed. It was a small lilac notebook and it had black laces tied in a bow closing it. I untied the laces and started to look through it for information. I already knew my name. Adelaide Haven. Quite an unusual one. But I liked it. If I wanted a new beginning I had to also embrace who I used to be. I ignored general information like my address or telephones. I found some telephones of people whose names reminded me of something and saved them. Those people had to be important. Like best friends or family. Kalicia and Brandon seemed the most significant of all. They were written with little purple hearts doodled next to them. What I should do about this is call them later. They could possibly help me with my identity. I went on and found some of my interests written in calligraphic letters. Damn me I didn't seem like an interesting person. Well this needs to be changed. I passed pages faster and I got to one that had my facebook account and code. Pretty dumb if you think that anyone could have found this notebook but it was pure luck that I did when I needed it. I opened my laptop and logged in. I saw my profile. Wow that was so not what I had expected. The name was the same so it had to be me though. Am I really blond? That needs to be verified when I get a new mirror but for now I can compromise with this idea of how I look. And I have to admit it is attractive. Am I attractive? I might be. I logged out and turned off the computer. I was gonna go out today. 

So that was it for this part because I want to keep yall readers in the edges of your seats. School started and I haven't had much time to continue the story. I will try to put chapters often but I don't know how 'often' it will be. If you liked it make sure to vote. If you did not comment which part you didn't like and what I should change. Also if you have any suggestions to make on how you'd like this to continue comment bellow. All comments are welcome and will be taken into consideration. 

Oh and also..spoiler alert we will se more Callum+Adelaide moments soon ;) Make sure you won't miss out on that!

xoxo, the writer

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