°Chapter 2°

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~Arm written~

Jess' POV

The next day I woke up to my alarm on my phone. For the first time in forever of course.
"Ugh.... Why...." I groaned. Then I remembered Jack. I half to pick him up in about 2 hours from the airport.

I put on some black skinny jeans, a white marvel avenger t-shirt, a pair of my black winter boots that stop about halfway from the knee, and my signature jacket.
I braid my hair and, since my hair was long enough, had it hang over on my right shoulder.

I put my phone in my pocket and saw I still had 30 minutes left. So if I went now I would be waiting about 10 minutes for him...
"Fine with me!" I say talking to... Myself.

I grab my v-logging camera and start v-logging.
"Hey my fuzzy pandas! So right now I am on my way to go pick up Jackaboy from the airport! YAY! EXCITEMENT!!!!" I yelled.
"Now I will probably cut to the point where we are at the airport so... Yeah!" I say. I pause the video and pull out my keys. Then I felt a warm yet sudden impact come at me. I fell down getting a scrape on my hand.
I winced as the impact hurt me.
"OH MY GOSH! I am SO SO SO sorry! I didn't mean to at all! Please don't yell at me!" I hear a voice say. I looked over at a guy with short Brown hair and glasses stand up from the ground. I smile hiding the fact that my knuckles were in pain.

"It's okay. You didn't mean to." I say. He smirks and holds out a hand for me to grab. I was hesitant but in the end took it.
"Thanks." i say. "Well it's probably the least I could do! Oh gosh look at your knuckles! Do you need any bandage?" he asks. I smile and shake my head.
"No I'm good." I say. Then he looks at me strangly.

"Hey aren't you that Panda_GamerGurl? Congrats!" he says. I raise an eyebrow. "Yes... Congrats on what exactly?" I asked.
"Everyone on my channel tells me that they want me to record with you! And someone told me this morning that you hit 1 million!" he says.
No. Way.
"W-w-wat?! Wow!" I exclaimed. But then I was snapped back to reality when I heard some of his friends call for him.
His fans want me to record with this guy eh? I'm guessing they are my fans too. So... Why not?
"Hey Listen I gotta go but..." I stop and pull out a pen from my car after unlocking it.
"Give me your hand." I say. He shrugs and holds out his hand.

"Of you want to record sometime just Skype or call me. K?" I say. He smirks and nods. He returns the favor and puts his Skype and number on my arm.
"I take my leave ma'lady." he says . I giggle and we go out separate ways. I quickly rush to the airport and made it 3 minutes before he made it here.
I pull out my camera before he came and he totally photo bombed me. Sort of. More like a video bomb.

"I havent been in America in SO LOOONG!" he says. I chuckle and we all get in the car after putting his luggage in the trunk.

Him and his septic green hair got out of the car and helped unload.
"So exactly how big is your apartment?" he asked in his thick Irish accent.
"Two bedrooms, one bathroom, living area, kitchen, and of course 2 closets. There's also a dining room.
Honestly it's more like a town house." I explain. He smiles wide and we get his things inside.

I showed him each room and then let him be to un pack.

That's when I got a text from some uknown number.

[Insert phone number here]

Hey it's Ross!
You okay to record?

Before I answered I added him in my contact's.


Yeah! That's cool. What are we recording?


I was thinking that we could play minecraft with some of my friends. A mini game. Sort of.


Sounds good to me! =) Just get me in the Skype call and we'll go from there!

The texts stop coming in and I hear Jack start talking to me as I began to set up my laptop.

"So who's the guy?" he asks.
I raise an eyebrow. "What guy?"
I say.
"Ross... You have his name and phone number AND Skype name on your arm" he says.
"Just a guy I met on the street today. He is also a youtuber" I explained. "He said that he had some fans that wanted him to record with me so.... After he bumped into me and scratched up my hand we exchanged info."

"Ok... I will take your word for it!" he says. I answer the guys Skype call slowly putting on my headset.
Later on I met the friends we were playing with.

Adam and Barney

"Wait... Like the devil dino from that kids show?" I question. Adam just cracks up. "D-devil... Dino?!" ROSS says confused. "Long story!" I say.
I start my recording and Adam does the intro.

"Hey guys sky here and today I'm with Barney, ROOOSSS, and a special guest!" he starts out.
"HELLO FOR ALL YOU PANDA PEOPLE OUT THERE!!" I yell in the Mic. Then I hit it again. "Daaaaaaarnn Mic.!" I say catching my curse word.
Since they said that he had a kid and.... Yeah... You know.

"Wait a minute... I don't know why I just realized this but...
Panda people?" Barney says in his thick accent.
"I LOOOOVE BAAALLS!!!!" Jack yells in the background.
"Dangit Sean!" I yell at him and he laughs right behind me.

The guys were laughing.
"So... Anyway guys today we are with barney, ross, and Jess... No not Aphmau.... Panda Gamer Girl.
Yeah! TAKE THAT SOCIAL MEDIA!!" he yells. I laughed along with Barney.

"Today we are playing Do not laugh! Now for the new people not only in the beautiful science but in this call... I'm going to explain the rules..."

He explains the game pretty much and I knew there was a 50/50 chance that I was gonna win or lose.

"So Jessica since you are new here you get to sit in the middle!" he says. I pull a chair out from the inventory and place it in the center.
Adam just cracks up.
"Yeh." Ross says.
"Okay so...baaaaa-Ross you go first!" he says.
"OH God..." he says. He stares at me a moment. "The problem is... I don't know What exactly you like and dislike!" he says.
He shakes it off and his first joke was... Different.

"Okay you can turn back around and sit in the chair please." he says. I do as I'm told.
Then comes out a weird creature thing. I forget what they were called though.

He played off as some weird creature named earl whom has a cooking show.
He serves me raw rabbit.
"There you go ma'am." He says in a weird tone.
I look down at it.
"But... I thought it was duck hunting season?" I say and the group laughs their asses off.

So he didn't get the point.

After the recording ended I ended up doing a few more with Jack and Ross then right before I went to bed I got a text.


So... I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could... Get to know each other better? Its just a thought...


Sure yeh! Sounds like awesomeness
Where at?


[insert address here] this leads to the offices. Come around 5:30 to 6:00 ? Then we can start from there.


Okay! Can't wait! Night!



And I went to bed gracefully.

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