2: The forgettable crimson girl

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Okay Readers here's the part 2. I want u to enjoy this story... Now Enjoy ^^...

The ambulance was on their way to hospital now. The driver of ambulance is focusing on the street. Then suddenly they saw a 12 wheeler truck coming toward them. The nurse guu got shock and he's nowhere turn because the size of the truck. They didn't notice that the driver of the truck had a heart attack until the ambulance and the truck bump each other. The window in front of the nurse guy broke and he accidentally bump his head hard on the wheel which it cause his head to blood and the skull in his head broke until his body turned into corpse. The two nurses who's caring Maki has lost consciousness. Maki's head bump into the edge on the nurses seat. Maki has lost consciousness too, but her head was bloody.

A few minutes passed. The nurses got their consciousness back, they got shock when they saw those the guy nurse and Maki were bloody and injured.

They call some help and no one is around. When they saw a taxi one of nurses waved her hand to stop the taxi. The nurses carry Maki and the guy and they gently put them inside the taxi. "Where's hospital your going?" The taxi driver asked. "To the Nishikino's hospital. Faster!" the nurses answered panicking. The taxi driver starts the engine as they hurriedly goes to their destination.

Within a couple of minutes theu arrived at the hospital. When they got in the hospital, Dr. Nishikino and Mrs. Nishikino arrived hurriedly at the entrance with a strolling bed, them they put Maki on the bed and the other one is for the guy. They saw the driver of the ambulance all bloody and injured as they check the vital sign "Its sad for him but... He didn't make it" Mr. Nishikino stated.

Mr. Nishikino and Mrs. Nishikino's eyes got widened when they saw Maki in a bloody and injured situation "What happened to my daughter?!" Mrs. Nishikino panicking. "We got bump into the truck and I think the truck driver got a heart attack. We tried to help him but he's stuck and we tried to call for help but we have no communications" the nurse explained. The nurse was about to bring Maki in her room but Maki's father stopped her "I'll take my daughter to her room" The nurses nodded and bowed as they leave. Maki's father take Maki and they goes in her private room. Then they prepare the things and they treated Maki.

After that, they leave the unconcious Maki inside as Maki's father goes to his office and organize the result of Maki's situation. Dr. Nishikino eyes got widened when he saw the result.

For almost 3 days has passed Maki woke in her bed and she touch her head. When she touch her head she notice that her head has a bandage. "What am I doing here? Why am I have a bandage in my head?" Maki keep asking herself.

She tried to sit but a sudden pain strike in her head "Ouch!" Maki snapped as she touch her head in pain.

Someone knock at the door and Maki look at it "Come in". The door open and her father appeared. He sit besides her and stares at Maki "Maki, do you remember something?" Maki's father asked worriedly. "Where am I? What happened to me? And who are you?" Maki asked panicking as she though the persom beside her is a bad person.

Maki's father let out a heavy sigh "So you don't remember anything". Maki's father stand as he act normally in front of her while holdimg a clipboard "Maki... You have an..."


Her father tears starts to form on the corner of his eyes. Maki's eyes got widened when she heared it "What do you mean?" . Maki's father called out for her mother.

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