Chapter 1

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What is this? I feel like my whole body is burning. Am I being burned alive? Wait, if I really am burning, why can't I pinpoint where is the fire? I tried to move my hands but I can't even lift a finger. . What is happening to me?

"Any minute now she will open her eyes! I'm so excited!" a beautiful voice of a lady said.

"Don't freak her out Alice. She might be out of our family before you knew it." A guy's voice said.

I heard a "hmmp" in reply. The girl with a beautiful voice's name must be Alice. After that I never heard a word from them. No sound of movement. Only a heartbeat. My heartbeat perhaps? I don't see other explanation possible.

A few minutes or what seemed like hours I could hear a sound, sounds to be exact. A gust of wind swaying the branches and leaves, the hooves of animals in a packed dirt and most of all, the most tempting heartbeat of a bird. My throat suddenly hurt, like I never drank water in my whole life. But why? And how can I hear all this stuff? I'm pretty sure my sense of hearing is not this good.

The burning sensation is now slowly fading. Starting with the tips of my fingers and toes, my arms and legs, my torso then I heard my heartbeat with its last thump. Then I waited more but I can't hear my heartbeat anymore. Why can't I hear my heartbeat? Am I dead? OMG! I opened my eyes for a start.

I looked at my surroundings. Looks like a normal but elegant house to me. My sight have never been clearer, I can see the details in the wood, small pecks of dirt floating in the air. Weird. . Instinctively I tried to touch it but the dust moved. Someone cleared his throat and I looked at him. He has a blonde hair, gold eyes and a pale skin, who looked like in his twenties. I looked a everyone that is within the room. I swear every one of them looked like picture perfect models! A girl behind a tall guy is grinning and waving at me, mouthing 'Hi! Nice to meet you!'

"Wow. I never thought heaven would be like this." They laughed. Is that really my voice? It raised a few octaves. Oh well its beautiful! Heaven rocks!

"I like this girl! She is much more fun than you, Bella!" said the big muscular guy. "Hey!" a voice said down the stairs.

The blonde guy looked at the other guy with black hair, who looked like he is in his teens, who nod to the blonde guy and he stepped closer to me.

"No child, you are not in heaven. We will explain later. Welcome to our family. I'm Carlisle. May I know yours?" he smiled again. I look at him dumbfounded. "Child?" 

"Ah sorry. My name is Tasha, nice to meet you Carlisle."

"Tasha. Welcome to our family. This is Emmett" he gestured to the big muscular guy. "'Sup!" Emmett said while grinning.

"This is his mate, Rosalie."

"Wow! You are so beautiful, Barbie will be put to shame. Wait. . Did I said that loud?" I looked at them. Emmett is laughing. The others are smiling at me. "I'm sorry!" I kept my head down.

"Thank you and welcome to the family." Rosalie said.

"This is Jasper." The guy had bite marks around his body. His arms, neck and face. What happened to him? Then I saw him looking at me, half smiling. Busted. . Again! "Sorry. I didn't mean to. ." "It's fine." Jasper said.

"And I am Alice! Hi!" she stepped closer to me but Jasper stopped her. "It's okay Jasper, she won't hurt me." Jasper looked into her eyes and then he let go. She come to me and hugged me. 

"Welcome to the family! We will do lots of shopping! Dress, shoes, bags, everything! Oh I'm so excited! You're not like Bella who hate shopping, surprices and gifts right?" 

"Alice!" said the voice downstairs who must be Bella.

"Yeah I love those. As long as there is still money to spend." We laughed. Is that my laugh? I never heard my laugh like that before. It's beautiful!

"Perfect!" she squeezed me tighter. I felt a pressure in my right hand.

"Ouch! Easy, Alice." the guy holding my hand said. He is the most beautiful of them all. Black hair, brown eyes, oh gosh the eyes which can look into the dept of my soul and his perfect tempting lips. I suddenly licked my lips. Alice let go of me.

"Well that happens when some idiot won't let go of her hand for a week." Rosalie said.

He is holding my hand all this time? "Sorry." the guy said. "That is Kian. He is a nomad who is interested in our diet." Carlisle said. Nomad? Diet? What? 

"We will explain later. I'm Edward. Nice to meet you and welcome to the family. My mate, Bella is downstairs." the guy with the black hair said.

I heard a movement downstairs and the tempting heartbeat of a bird. Suddenly I remembered my thirst. My hand moved into my throat. Then, Emmett and Jasper came closer to me. Edward, blocking the stairs and Kian moves in front of me. Saying, "Hey hey, its alright. Just think of something else."

"I. . I'm so thirsty. I need water. ." then Kian is gone. After a few milliseconds he is back with a glass of water. I drank it but I'm still thirsty. "More." I asked. Then he is back with two glasses of water.

"Kian, why do you kept bringing her water. You know she is not thirsty with water. She needs to drink blood." Bella said.

"Huh? Yeah why am I bringing her water?"

"Interesting. I wonder if she is gifted." Carlisle said.

"Introductions and explanations needs to wait she needs to drink blood." Edward said

"Excuse me? Did you just said blood? I know that I'm anemic but not that much to warrant a blood transfusion." I said.

Kian disappears and appeared again with a big jug and a cup of. . Of blood. Am I going to drink that? Eww gross! But the smell its so tempting. I lost my reasoning and took the cup. After finishing the cup, I took the jug and drank from it. Kian returned with two more jugs and I drank it all. Thankfully my sense of reasoning returned. I looked at the mess I caused. Blood spills. My bed is full of it, my dress and the floor. "Sorry." I sheepishly said.

Kian sat beside me and put at hand on my cheek. He wiped the blood onto my face and licked the blood in his fingers.

"Is that supposed to be seductive? Because its creeping me out." I said. Emmett is cracking up. Although I admit it is kinda seductive but I will never admit it out loud. Well might be when we are alone. . What is happening to me? I just met the guy!

"Jasper, she is not frustrated because of that. She is frustrated in something you don't have to worry. Trust me." Edward said. Did I miss a conversation?

"Tasha, calm down okay?" suddenly I feel really calm. I nod at Edward. "Carlisle will explain everything. We will try to answer all your questions. What we will say is all true. Please keep an open mind and do not freak out." Edward nod to Carlisle.

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