Chapter 3

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Kian led me back to the house and into the kitchen. He opened a big two door silver freezer and took out a big jug. He placed the jug into the counter and took a cup on the cupboard. Then, he poured some blood to the cup. He gave the cup to me. "Bottoms up." He said.

I drank the blood but I'm still thirsty. I took the jug and drank it. After drinking half of the blood in the jug my thirst finally subsided. Kian took a big tumbler from the cupboard and poured the blood there. Then, he handed it to me.

"I'm fine, I'm not thirsty anymore." Giving back the tumbler to him.

"I know. But getting used to the taste and the smell of blood is good for you. You can't really compare this to human blood but I agree with Carlisle. It is more humane." He sit beside me and he held the tumbler at one hand and my hand in the other.

Just thinking the smell or taste of human blood gives me the creeps. I imagined drinking from human skin and it brings me conflicting emotions. Pleasure and guilt. I know I can't live on thinking I killed humans just to get over my thirst. No. Animal blood is the only way.

I remembered the bird like heartbeat in the house Edward is looking earlier. "What is that bird like heartbeat I heard earlier?" I asked Kian.

He looked at me for a long time. Might be thinking if he will answer my question or not. He sigh "She is Nessie. . I mean Renesmee. She is Edward and Bella's daughter."

"I thought vampires can't reproduce?"

"Bella conceived Renesmee when she is still human with Edward, who is a vampire and Bella gave birth to her. Edward turned Bella into a vampire after giving birth."

"I can't believe it could happen."

"No one does. Until it actually happened. Renesmee is a half vampire. She grows like a human, blood runs through her veins and she sleeps but she has the strength and speed of a vampire and she also drinks blood. Edward and Bella decided that it is better to wait for you to control your thirst before they introduced her to you. They are worried about your gift but they didn't mean to hide her from you."

"I understand. I think I would do the same if I have a child. You and Carlisle said I have a gift. What is it?"

"We really don't know. Remember the time when you woke up and you asked for water? I know you needed blood but I gave you the water instead. We are thinking that you could make others do what you want but we still don't know to what extent or if that is really your gift."

"Okay. ." I can make others do whatever I want? A-awesome! "So this thirst thing. . I can control it?"

"Yeah. You are a new born so your desire for blood is stronger than us. After maybe a year, your thirst will be manageable."

"A year? I will be stuck here for a year? Drinking blood all day from jugs?"

"No! I will be with you all day. I will never leave your side." I smiled. That is very sweet of him. "About the thirst, after a while, you're thirst will lessen and you can go without blood for days but a week at most. You can come hunt with us if you want."

"Hunt. . Hunt what?"

"Don't worry we hunt animals in the forest. It will be fun."

I think if I'm still human I wouldn't think hunting and killing innocent animals fun.

"What about your school? You have school right?"

"Its fine. I'll just drop out."

"No! School is important. You don't have to do that for me." He smiled and placed his hand to my cheek.

"I would do anything for you." If I can still blush, my face would probably be hot red right now.

"You don't have to." I looked down. He leaned and pressed his forehead to mine.

"But I want to Tasha. I love you and I would give up everything for you."

He is about to kiss me but I leaned back. Hurt is shown into his face. He half smiled at me and leaned back too. I know, it is stupid of me. Don't get me wrong, I also liked him but I just met him yesterday! It is all happening so fast and I'm still new at this. I need to slow down and process all of this.

"Don't worry I will wait. No matter how long it takes." He gave me long nice sweet kiss in the cheek.

"But you know school is really important."

"Tasha. ."

"You have to go to school."

Without a word he stood up and went to his room. Probably preparing for school and probably because of my gift? Can it be possible that making others do what I want is really my gift? I guess we'll just figure it out. I stood up, took my tumbler and went to the library. Just as I was about to close the door to the library I heard an engine starting and driving away from the house. I laid by the couch and continued reading the book I was reading before Alice showed up earlier.

Time sure flies when you are reading a book. Its already four in the afternoon when I finished three books. Immortality really has its perks. my body didn't need to eat, go to the bathroom or get stiff by laying down in the couch all day. Heck I didn't even move from the couch except when I need to get the next book.

I stood up and looked at the window. I saw vast forest just waiting to be explored. Will it be alright if I went outside? Will there be humans there? The forest is so thick maybe they are not allowed? Hmmm. I want to go... But what if there really are humans in there and I didn't manage to control myself? I could hurt them or much worse I could kill them. But... I really want to go!

By the time I knew it I already am in the forest. The hell. What just happened? I scan the surrounding looking for humans. No humans in sight. Whew.

I looked at the forest. So beautiful! Trees, insects, flowers, shrubs. I didn't know a forest would look like this. With my improved eyesight I could see every detail of every nook and canny of the forest! Cool!

A thought came to me. Why don't I try to test my improved senses? My eyesight is superb. How about I test my hearing? I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings. I hear hooves digging in the dirt in the east, flowing water in north, a heartbeat in the south. Heartbeat? No way..

I smelled my surroundings. I recognized Carlisle and our family's scents. Don't ask me how I knew their scent coz I have no idea. I also recognized that delicious scent close to Bella's. That might be Renesmee? There is also this repugnant, disgusting scent I didn't recognize. It is also in the house but it is only one or two, but in here it is a lot. One scent is stronger than the others. Its in the same direction as the heartbeat I heard earlier! Oh no! That human might be in danger!

I followed the scent. When I saw the human, I held my breath and stopped my tracks. Carlisle said that this is effective when I saw a human so that we don't harm them. But what should I do? That repugnant smell is near here! How am I supposed to help this human? 

I looked for anything suspicious. I heard a growl in front of me. Wait, a growl and it is in front of me? I looked at human. He is looking at me. How did he knew I was there? I'm sure its too far for a human and his back was facing me at that time so how? He growled again.

He is the one who growled?! I inhaled. "He is the owner of that repugnant scent!"

He growled again. Shit. What have I gotten myself in to?! In a split second he transformed into a huge wolf.

"Shit!" I ran back to the house. "Awwwooooooo!" Is he calling for his pack? Shit! Shit! Shit! I shouldn't have left the house! I looked back and he is chasing me! Arrg. Think later, run for now!

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