Chapter 4

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 Kring! Kring! Is that noise comming from the house? What the hell I'm running for my life here and someone just have to call now?! Seriously? The phone is still ringing when I got in the house. Should I answer it or not? If this is a prank call I swear I'm gonna hunt him down!


"Tasha! Oh gosh you're alright!"  

"Alice? Alice! Help! A big wolf is chasing me!" The huge wolf arrived at the lawn and he is baring at me.

"Alice! He is outside the house! The freaking wolf is outside! Oh god what am I going to do! Help!"   

"Tasha calm down. Kian and Esme might be close now. Wait for them and don't ever leave the house until they get there. We are also on our way. Listen; go to the veranda on our room. Look for Kian approaching from the forest. When you found him, call his name and tell him to stop. Never forget to call his name okay?"  

"Okay.. But why do I have to do that?"  

"I'll explain later. Just go to the veranda and search for him. Please."   

"What am I going to do to the huge wolf outside?!"  

"Don't worry about it; you are safe inside the house. Go! We'll see you later." Alice hanged up the phone. Damn it. I really shouldn't have left the house! And how can I not worry about the freaking huge wolf outside? It is scary!  

Thankfully it’s easy to find their room. When I looked in the forest, the view is more astounding than the in the library! No wonder Alice kicked Edward from this room. I would've done the same!  

After a few seconds I found Kian running from the west side of the forest. Relief washed through my body. He came. Thankfully he came! He saw something and his expression changed.  

He growled. "You mutt! You dared hurt my Tasha! I'll kill you!" The huge wolf barked at him. This is bad! "KIAN STOP!" He literally stopped. Did he just stop because of me? Is this my gift? It would be so cool if it didn't also terrify me. To take away other's will and make them do what you want, I don't like that..  

Thankfully the wolf did not attack Kian but it is still outside! On the house's driveway I saw a Esme’s car coming. When she arrived at the house I quickly go to the front door and hugged her.

 "Esme! Oh thank you! Thank you! I'm so scared! The wolf outside did not attack you? And Kian.. he.. Kian is not moving in the forest. Alice told me to stop Kian and he literally stopped. Is this really my gift? And.."  

Esme patted my back. "Tasha it’s alright now. Calm down. Don't worry it’s all just a misunderstanding. Tasha, can you loosen up your hug? You're crushing me.." I quickly let go of her and well I thought of just stepping back but I end up at the other end of the room. I know newborn are more powerful than regular vampire but I never expected this. I looked at Esme and she is warmly smiling at me.  

"Umm.. Sorry." I said to Esme. She laughed.

"Its fine Tasha. Shall we fix up the misunderstanding? The others have arrived too." She smiled and offered her hand to me.

When we got outside the house the others have already arrived and they also moved Kian to the lawn. “I really am sorry. This whole mess is my fault I shouldn’t have left the house.”

“Don’t worry about it. A little suspense every once in a while is fun.” Emmett said.

"Tasha, please face Kian and tell Kian to move. Specifically say his name. Okay?"Carlisle said.

 "Okay." I moved in front of Kian. This kind of felt weird. Telling someone to stop or move. Why do I have to have a weird gift. Why? "Kian.. move?"

Nothing happened. He is not moving. "Oh my god! Why isn't he moving?!" I looked at everyone and they all have confused expressions.

"Strange. Try again Tasha. It might need you to be really determined to work." Edward said.

What a mess. I inhaled and exhaled. "Kian, move!" Thankfully he moved! He blinked a few times and then he looked at me.

"Tasha you're alright! I thought I'd lose you!" He hugged me so hard it hurts. "Kian.. You’re hurting me." He quickly let go and held my hand. "I will never let you out of my sight ever again you troublemaker." He smirked.

I scoffed "I gladly agree. That huge wolf scared me!"

Suddenly there is a heavy tension in the air. I forgot about the huge wolf! Kian growled. In a flash, Kian is being held by Edward and Jasper half-way across the yard.

"Let me go! Those mutts are dangerous! He tried to attack Tasha!" Kian struggled. I noticed Jasper looking intently to him. “Kian, listen first.” Suddenly Kian relaxed and nod. Edward and Jasper let him go and Kian immediately returned to my side.

"Kian it is all just a misunderstanding." Carlisle said.

"Then please explain. I don't know how long my patience will last."

 "The one that attacked Tasha wasn't informed about her." Carlisle continued.

"Why the hell wasn't he informed?!" Kian exclaimed.

"This young one just returned and didn't even inform Seth that he has returned. Seth only found out when Alice called him. Seth told him not to attack Tasha but you already went to Tasha before Alice could tell you that. We had no choice than to let Tasha use her gift on you."

 "I don't understand. You know those wolves?" I interjected.

"Remember when I told you that there are other myths that are true? They are one of them: A shape-shifter who took a form of a wolf."

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