Chapter 2

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"Tasha, we are vampires. So are you" Carlisle paused to let what he said sink in to me "A vampire bit you. Alice saw you in her vision and she found you by the river. You have been asleep for a week. The change have already progressed where we can't undo it anymore. I'm sorry."

I wound not have believe him but his face is serious. I slowly nod. I am a vampire? Does this mean I can't go out of daylight anymore? I can't eat garlic? I will never see my reflection in the mirror?

"Tasha, those are only myths. Only a few came close to the facts. For one, we live on by blood." Edward said, distracting me from my thoughts.

Blood. Its disgusting but I drank a lot of it. Creepy is the only way I can describe it.

"If it makes you feel better we gave you an animal blood instead of human blood." what is the difference? Bottom line it is still blood. 

"You could think of it this way, by drinking animal blood you are not harming any humans and it will keep you civilized." Edward said, answering again my thoughts. Is he reading my mind? Can vampires do that? That will be awesome!

Edward smiled. Might be reading my thoughts again."Not really. Some vampires are gifted. I can read others minds. Besides me, Alice can see the future, Jasper can influence your emotions, Bella can conjure a shield and more. About the myths, forget those. Carlisle will tell you the facts."

"Let's go sit in the table and talk shall we?" Carlisle and Esme led me downstairs. Rosalie and Emmett went on the living room and watched t.v. Edward disappeared with Bella and the one with the bird like heartbeat. Alice went upstairs and Jasper walked with us. Kian didn't let go of my hand. Helping me like a child. It is kinda sweet. All four of us sit in the dinning table. Kian sit next to me and Jasper to my other side.

"I think you are also gifted Tasha but we have to wait for that. Explanation first." Carlisle said. "Always remember our one and only law. Do not let humans know we exists. Or the Volturi will kill you."


"its like the police force of humans. You can still go in daylight. We do not burn from sunlight but wear clothes that will cover your skin. We will show you later what I mean."

Carlisle went on and on with the facts about vampires which surprisingly is a lot to take in. They should have a guidebook published. Because I don't know if I can remember it all.

He told me about the clans, Volturi, nomads, and history. A very long story about history starting from Carlisle awakening. It is pretty interesting. I know, I'm a geek.

The sun is slowly rising outside. Wow we talked all night and Carlisle said he is just in the middle of the story. Too bad he had to leave, well actually all of them, Carlisle and Esme have work and the others have to go to school. Except Jasper, Alice and Kian.

Alice is still upstairs and said that I'm not allowed to go up there yet. Jasper is there wherever I go. It is starting to creep me out. Kian never let my hand go and toured me around the house.

There are two things I can't believe in this house. The graduation caps that hangs on the wall and the kitchen. Kian said that the caps are the Cullens inside joke and the kitchen are just for show.

When he showed me the library, that is where he lost me. Books. A lot of it. From facts to fiction, history, art, literature! Kian sit by the chair and watched me. I lay down in the couch and started reading. And guess what I'm reading. Vampire novels! Kian lift his chair and placed it beside me. He watched me all the time.

I heard someone knock on the door and Alice pops in. She's the book I'm holding and said "Really, Tasha?"

"What? Its interesting" She shook her head and pulled me. "Come! We have something to show you! You'll gonna love it! I decorated it myself!"

We went upstairs and everyone except Bella is there. "Bella is.. taking care of someone so she can't come. Sorry." Edward said. Reading my thoughts.

"Oh I understand. If there is anything I can do to help. ."

He smiled. "Its alright. Thank you for your concern."

Alice showed me a key, keys actually. "The silver one is for this." she gestured at the door in front of us. "and the gold one is for your car waiting downstairs."

My eyes became huge. "You gave me a room and a car? Someone whom you just met? Wow. Thank you!"

"You already are part of our family. Unless you chose otherwise an become a nomad. It's your choice but we would be happy if you stay with us." Esme said.

"No! I am happy to be part of your family. Really happy." I assured her.

"I will go by her decision, Carlisle if it is fine with you." Kian said.

"Of course. We would be glad to. we already considered both of you our family." Carlisle answered.

"Come on now, open the door! I want to see if you like it or not!" Alice said impatiently. I took the keys from her and went inside my room. "Wow. Just wow. Alice I'm beyond speachless. Alice, thank you!" Alice jumps lightly and clasp her hands. "You like it?" "Like it? I love it! Thank you! To all of you!"

The design of the room is amazing! Light pink for walls and black mahogany for furniture. A balance between confort and class. Just the way I like it. A door to my right is the bathroom and the double doors to my left leads to my clothes.

It has a room for itself! On its left is the dresses, right is for shirts and jeans. On the far center are shoes. A lot of it! This is so cool!

I turned and faced them, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged Alice.

If the room is this awesome, I wonder about the car! "My turn" Kian said. He offered his hand and I take it with mine. He led me towards the garage.

In there, I saw the cars I can only see in magazines. I think only the BMW and the Volvo are the only ones here which will call less attention. The others? Ferrari, Porch, Hammer, Wrangler and a customized car. Each car must have cost million dollars. I guess immortality has its perks.

Kian went to the sheet covered car. "This is your car. "

I moved to the car and pulled the sheet. I am totally speechless. A black Lexus convertible. "Can I look into it?" I asked him.

"Of course. It is yours Tasha"

I quickly popped up the hood. Simple car in the outside but totally awesome in the inside. Just the way I want it. "Thank you!" I hugged him and maybe a little to long because Emmett cleared his throat. "Go to your room!" He said.

I let go of him but he kept holding my hand. "Carlisle, I can't express how grateful I am to you and your family." "You are welcome Tasha."

The sun is starting to shine outside. "Rosalie. . You. . You're shimmering. ." Rosalie, who is in the edge of the garage gate smiled at me.

"This is the reason we can't go outside without covering our body. Our skin react to sunlight."

I walked to her side and I shimmered too. I stupidly look at myself. Looking every part of me that is touched by sunlight shimmer. "Beautiful."

Kian walked by my side. "You are beautiful." He held my hand.

Edward looked into the forest and he smiled. I looked at the direction he is looking and saw a . . house. "I have to go. Re. . I mean, I need to go to Bella. See you later." Then he left.

I heard the bird like heartbeat in the house. I wonder what that is. Suddenly I felt thirsty and my hand touched my throat. I gripped my hold to Kian. "Kian. . I needed a. ." I gulped. "A drink."

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