Chapter 5

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"A shape shifter? Wow. So. . They can change into anything? That is so awesome." I said amusingly.

"No. They can only change into a wolf. I do not know much about their kind since their pack is the only shape shifters I have met. The rest of what I know are from their pack, myths and heresay about them. Nothing substantial." Carlisle answered.

Awwww and here I am thinking it would be so awesome if you could just turn in about anything you want.

Alice clapped her hands and she got all our attention. "We can talk about that later. Kian now you have the jist right? So calm down. Everything is fine."

"Alice you can't be sure about that. I know you can't see the future when it is linked to them." Kian countered.

Alice grimanced. "No need to point out the obvious. I'm already having a headache, you know?"

"You can't be sure that everything will be alright. That scenarios like this will not happen again."

I rolled my eyes. He is so overprotective. Sure, I appreciate the tought but I still think this is way overboard. "We don't know the future Kian, and even if Alice sees from time to time as you said we can't be sure of everything but worrying about something we are not sure of will get us nowhere."  Carlilse reasoned.

Kian sighed. "Fine."

A topless man came from the forest and approached our group. "Hey, sorry 'bout that. Didn't know. Kinda thing you get when you're out most of the time." He shrugged.

"You could've harmed her!" Kian shouted. He is shaking. Edward and Jasper are immediately infront of us. "Kian, drop it." Edward said.

"Excuse me but what is going on? I think this is about me but what does it have to do with him?" I asked.

"Yo! Name's Drake. Nice to meet 'cha. I'm the hot, well still hot, werewolf earlier." He approached me and was about to extend his hand when I heard Kian growled. Drake raised both of his arms. "Whoa, it's just a handshake man. No need to be angry 'bout it. It's not like I'll take away your mate or something. Unless she wants to go with me of course. I'm can also go with a vampire. Especially if she's as hot as her." He winked at me.

Kian lost it. He launged at Drake.

They will be the death of me. I rolled my eyes. Both of them wrestled on the ground. "Stop it both of you!" I snapped at them.

"Why are you stopping me? He tried to hurt you remember?" Kian said.

"And Carlisle said it was just a misunderstanding." I countered.

"You're defending him?!"

I rolled my eyes. God, can he be more stubborn? "Are you even listening to what Carlisle said earlier? Or are you really sure that is the problem here?" The me being chased by a warewolf is already solved. Why continuously bring it up?

"Of course! He tried to hurt you!" He said.

"I give up. Have fun killing each other." When I turned around I saw a three topless middle aged man. As far as I know I only slept a few days. How can being topless be the new trend?

"Seth." Carlisle said.

The one in the middle nod at Carlisle. He has a sandy hair and for the record, even if he looks like a middle aged man he is still handsome.

"It is still weird seing ourselves grow and you're still frozen in your shiny bodies." The guy in the left said. Carlisle chuckled.

"Drake, you're not going anywhere but with me. I need to talk to you." Seth said calmly but the words spoken carries authority and power. Who is this guy?

"Is it an order from my father or my alpha?" Drake asked sarcasticly.

He is the alpha's son? Wow!

"Both. Come here. You're almost thirty but you attitude and looks is like a rebelious teenager."

"I always can't believe you're the fun and happy go lucky guy uncles used to describe. You're so strict!" Drake said.

"Come. Here. Now!" Seth ordered. Remind me never to get to his bad side.

"Yes, alpha." Be bowed, rolled his eyes after then moved to his father's side.

"Carlisle, I'm sorry about what my stupid son did. I'll visit later."

"Our home is always welcome to you. come anytime you want."

"Can I come too? The beautiful lady there might need some little entertainment." He wiggled his brows.

"Why? You're gonne perform some dog tricks for me? Like roll up and play dead? I'll pass." I smirked. "Why not just stay dead. It would do us good." Kian muttered.

Drake laughed. "Dad! Definitely bring me later!"

"What, so you can ruin our night?" Kian said.

"It's not like what you're thinkin's gonna happen. It's not rocket science to figure out who she wants." He grinned.

"And you're the right guy for her. Is that what you think?" Kian said.

"Of course!" Drake winked at me.

"Call me when we finally have a reasonable and civilized conversation. I will be in the library." I said.

Why do they keep pushing my buttons? Why?

"I'll come with you." Kian said.

"No. Stay. I want some peace and quiet." I said.

"Dude she rejected you! Like a dog! 'No stay'" He mimicked how I said it to Kian.

Urrg. I gonna be crazy. Without any backward glance I quickly went to the library.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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