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Adeline's POV


I woke up with a pounding in my head.

after I kissed Calum, I couldn't remember anything. not because it was Calum, but because I was so drunk, it was impossible.

I turn over to look out of the window, thinking I'm in my room, and i roll right into somebody.


oh shit. did I have sex with him? were we both so hammered that we didn't even realize?

maybe he'll remember. or maybe Calum.

as soon as I shake Luke's shoulders, he rolls over and wraps his arms around me.

"g'morning ads." he says as he yawns.

"um.. Luke- uh-"

"no, Addie, we didn't have sex."

"how do you know?"

"I was up about an hour ago, and Calum said he was in here on the floor," he pointed to Calum curled up in a ball on a pile of lukes dirty clothes, "and he made sure nothing happened."

thank you JESUS

"oh, ok, good."

"I have a massive headache." he says as he puts his fingers to his temple.

"ditto. I need some water. or maybe I need to throw up. I've never felt this bad after drinking." I say while yawning, waking Calum up.

"well, you know where the kitchen and the bathroom are. if you puke, you're cleaning it, just saying." Luke replies.

"do either of you need anything?" i ask Calum and Luke while I'm climbing out of the bed.

which I immediately regret, feeling the blood rush to my head, and something from my stomach. Oh God.

I start sprinting to the bathroom, which isn't helping, and I basically fall on the floor in front of the toilet.
after my terrible experience of spitting out everything I took in yesterday was over, I still felt sick.

kids, do not drink. it's not even as fun as its made out to be. you'll make careless mistakes, like I almost did, and feel awful the next day.

not. worth. it.

I was currently wrapped in a blanket on lukes couch while Luke was in the recliner. Calum was sitting on the floor- that boy must have a thing for floors or something- in front of the tv, facing Luke and myself.

"i wish y'all could've seen the way you guys were acting after truth or dare. it was like something out of a movie." Calum said, holding back a laugh.

Luke and I just looked at each other with puzzled looks.

"when Addie wanted to go to sleep, she just ran upstairs. she didn't even tell anyone." he continued. "and then we she was finally upstairs, she wouldn't stop yelling, 'Luke! Calum!'"

skdjsiicidjahdifkk how embarrassing

"and then we went up to her and she insisted that Luke sleep with her. not sleep, but go to bed."

"Luke, at first you refused and Addie's reaction was priceless! you see that rip in the bottom of your shirt? she basically pulled you into the bed!" Calum was laughing extremely hard now, he was almost crying.

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