Music Keeps Me Breathing (Hiro x Reader)

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(Y/n) sighed. She didn't even care anymore. Socializing was for stupid people. She stared in despair at her sketch. Tears blinding her vision, she grabbed it and ripped it to shreds before beating her fists against the wall. Stupid. Boring. Ugly. Worthless. Her knuckles stung and she pulled her hand back. Her right hand was swollen and bleeding. Great.

She sat down in her chair and stared at the wall. Her parents hadn't called in a month. She missed them, she really did. 'You big baby, they don't miss you. They're probably glad you're gone.'

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She hissed to herself taking her (h/c) hair into her hands. She blocked the thoughts in her head with music. As always. "It feels like a tear in my heart. Like a part of me missing and I just can't feel it.  I've tried and I've tried. I've tried. Tears on my face. I can't take it. If lonely's a taste then it's all that I'm tasting. Do you hear my cry? My cry? Oh."

The door opened and (y/n) spun around, blushing. Hiro, great. Absolutely lovely.

"Hi, (y/n). Just wanted to see how your final project was coming." He asked, completely oblivious to the hell you were going through.

"It's fine." (Y/n) lied through her teeth. "Go away."

"You sure, you know that I'm pretty good if you need help?" Hiro babbled. (Y/n) was filled with rage and stormed over, trying to appear intimidating despite the fact that he had a good 3 inches on her.

"Out. Now. I don't want help from Mister Genius." Her voice reeked of sarcasm. He looked shocked. He had never seen this side of her.

'I-I'm sorry. Didn't mean to... sorry." He left quickly, head ducked down.

(Y/n) turned her music up, trying to drown out the guilt. No way was her conscience letting her off the hook this time. She bit her lip and turned back to her sketchpad. "Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?"

She shut off her music, every line reminding her of Hiro. But the lyrics stayed with her and escaped out her lips. "Wrap in your arms, in your arms. I don't wanna be anywhere else. Take me from the dark, from the dark. I'm not gonna make it myself. Just put your arms around me, put your arms around me. I am lost. I am lost. If I ain't got you, if I ain't got you I ain't got nothing at all."

Her tears slid down her cheeks and landed on her bruised hand. "I'm sorry, Hiro." The tears came faster, there was no stopping the flood. She sat there for hours, trying to think. Nothing, nothing at all. Swallowing her pride and her tears, she decided to approach the boy again.

She glanced at her watch. 22:17. No way he was still here. She groaned in frustration at herself then decided to head home. She headed out into the hall, head ducked, face still burning with shame. She collided with someone and he instinctively grabbed her hand. She hissed in pain, deciding to look up.

"Hiro?" It couldn't be. Not now, please. No, this couldn't be happening.

"(Y/n)? You're hurt." He took her by the wrist, watching the hand. "Come on." Back to his lab, he activated Baymax and sat watching her as she was examined by Baymax.

"I'm sorry about earlier." They said at the same time. (Y/n) continued to speak. "I was rude and rash. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I'm sorry."

"I know." Her head shot up to see the look of guilt cross his face. "It was my fault. And then I sat outside your door. I heard you singing."

Time for (y/n) to blush. "Jerk."

"It was beautiful. Though haunting. Why that sort of music?" Hiro asked, cocking his head to the side, his shaggy hair obscuring his piercing brown eyes.

She shrugged. "It reflects life. And that song is amazing."

"It reflects life? So music basically is your life?" Hiro asked, starting to catch on. She nodded.

"Music has helped me through tough times. In a way, it's kept me breathing." She saw the question in his eyes. "Yes that song did really remind me of you."

Baymax finished and (y/n) said the deactivating words. Hiro still sat in shock. She stood, heading to the door with her hand in a cast.

"(Y/n), wait!" Hiro shouted, causing her to turn and arch an eyebrow. "Can I walk you home?" She nodded.

It was raining. They walked silently. (Y/n) leaned her face towards the sky and let it cascade down her shoulders. They reached her apartment and Hiro shuffled from foot to foot.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to say that you're an amazing person. I don't know a thing about music. I hardly know a thing about you. But I've heard you sing before, and I love it. I mean I love you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock. "When did you first hear me sing?"

"The day we met." Hiro stared at the ground. She lifted his chin with a finger and flung her arms around him.

"I love you too, Hiro." She mumbled into his shoulder. He smiled and they stood there for a long time, just holding each other.

Author's Note

Guess what song that was? Anybody? I'll release the title of it when you give me my next request. Thanks! I know this one isn't spectacular. I just thought of it off the top of my head. :-)

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