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"Fred! Would you please just shut up!!!!" Wasabi yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Fred's eyes were filled with hurt and everybody watched, holding their breath. "Fine." He stormed out, the door slamming shut behind him.

(Y/n) watched from a distance. They'll cool off, she kept telling herself. He'll be fine.

Three days later, there was still no sign of Fred. (Y/n) took a basket and filled it with good, homemade food. She walked timidly over to his house and knocked on the door. Heathcliffe answered stiffly.

"Hi Mr. Heathcliffe. I have some stuff for Fred." He opened the door wide and directed her to his room.

She knocked shyly.

"Go away." Fred muttered.

"Freddie, it's me. (Y/n)." She said quietly.

"I don't wanna talk. Sorry." Fred said apologetically.

"I brought food." She insisted. He sighed and opened the door. His hair was tangled and there were bags under his eyes. "Oh Freddie." She hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were okay."

"It's not your fault. And I'm okay now." 'That you're here.' He added in his head.

She came in and started cleaning his room, chatting nervously.

"(Y/n), breathe okay? This food is really good." Fred said with his mouth full of pasta.

"You think so? Thanks." She blushed, sitting next to him, hands folded in her lap.

"You're adorable." Fred mumbled and then realized he spoke aloud. Her face grew pink. "I mean, you're kind, and pretty, and really smart, and....I love you." He rushed.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I love you too."

Big Hero 6 OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz