Chapter 3

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Okay, this is weird. "What. Did I do something wrong?" I ask cause clearly something is up. I took everyone a while to take in what just happened. Like I just swam a 30 meter pool under water in one breath. Wow. " just....swam thirty meters!" Cornelia points out what we already new. Some old girl!
After a while of asking questions with Mr C. We got back in the water. But things just keep getting weirder and weirder. We decide to have a under water breathing competition. Which I thought was a good idea until we started. Mr C timed us as we all went down to the bottom of the shallow end. Which in our case isn't that shallow. After about a few seconds. Cornelia swims back to the surface and Will tries talking to me under water. The weird part is I could actually breathe. At so I thought. Will and Annabeth gave up and swam back up.

What felt like about ten minutes. I decided to go back to the surface. "Fifth teen minutes under water" Mr C pronounced when I came up. What was going on with me? I think I'm going to faint. Or worse! I decided to get out and head back to the cabins. Will and Cornelia went for a walk and Mr C, Annabeth and me went back to our cabin.
"Mr C. What's happening to me?" I asked once we made it back.
"I don't know but I guess you just have strong lungs." He predicted. Maybe he was right.
But..." I don't know. When Will tried to talk to me underwater. I think I did talk. I think I could breathe." I had so many questions. I thought that would be the best one. Mr C just shrugged and wheeled himself into his cabin. Annabeth looked like she knew something but I didn't bother to ask. I have noticed that people keep a lot of secrets from me. I just didn't know the answers. And I didn't know that the answers would come tomorrow afternoon. But I knew I was going to find out. That's one thing for sure.

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