Chapter 5

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There's a nice big oak tree in the centre of the clearing and a big pile of rocks to one side with a waterfall coming from the centre and making a little rock pool. The place is just beautiful. I understand why no one has told us about it. Maybe I can bring the others here later this afternoon. I take my sports top off and go in the rock pool with my singlet and shorts on. Lovely. I can really smell the ocean. Maybe it's connected to it underground somehow? Just as I'm relaxing in the water I hear twigs breaking from behind me. I turn around and look towards the track but I couldn't see anyone. I get out of the water, throw my top back on and head back down the path. About half way down the track I notice more of a dirt track leading off. I wonder where that leads? Something tells me not to go down there but my instincts take over too much. In a matter of time. I find myself running down the little track. It really feels like the world is bending around me.

A little while down the track I come to the metal wall with a code accessible door. Why would it have a door with a code? Why is the wall around the camp anyway? Something weird is definitely going on and I want to find out what. I try opening the door but it won't budge. Looks like I will have to find another way through it. I take a big look up and around. The tree branches are low enough for me to climb onto them. Then maybe climb a bit higher and get over the wall. I have done lots of climbing before so it shouldn't be hard. I decide to do it exactly like earlier. I jump up and pull myself onto the branch. I climb until I reach the top of the wall. When I get to the top I can't believe my eyes.

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