Chapter 6

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Yet again I have been surprised by my findings today. This just takes things to a whole new level! Buildings, tents and lots more things are set up in this giant clearing like a military base or something. When I thought things couldn't get even more complicated, Mr Van-Kelp came out of one of the buildings. What is going on? I wanted to shout out so badly but I knew it might lead to serious consequences. What ever he is doing is either for his election or something bad. I take out my camera and take some quick shots before climbing down the tree. I decided to head back. Everyone was probably wondering where I got to. I run as fast as I can down the path and over the rock slate. When I reach my cabin I burst through the door gasping for air. I didn't stop running one bit, I just wanted to get out of that creepy forest. After taking a few deep breathes I realised that Annabeth wasn't here. Where would everyone be........Dinner! Yet again I sprint out of the cabin and towards the dining hall.

I fling the door to the dining hall open and rush in. Everyone stopped eating immediately and looked at me. Darn it! I'm all sweating and I still have my running clothes on. Too late I realise, so I just take the last empty seat at the end of the table. Will gets up from her seat and wraps her arms around me. Even though I'm hot and sticky.
"Where have you been, Bloom? It's been almost an hour!" Will worriedly says releasing her grip on me and sitting back down.
"I don't know why your so worried and I wasn't gone that long. My watch says I've been gone for only fifteen minutes." I say confused and looking around the table. Mr C told me that they were so freaked out that they sent staff looking for me. They showed me the clock on the wall but mine was ages behind it! This makes no sense at all!

A New WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora