Chapter 4

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Once everyone came back to the cabins and had showers. We went and had dinner. It was nice. Finally about nine o'clock we all went to bed. This is when the nightmares started coming. I have had them before. To start off I was walking through the woods and there was a lake. It was so beautiful I felt like going for a swim in it. As I dived down under the waves, I heard voices calling out to me. Fish swam by and said hello. I didn't know how I understood them but I did. When I get to the bottom. There's this man smiling at me. I feel all warm and safe inside. Like I know him. All of a sudden the dream changes. All I see is black and I here a bagging sound like someone trying to break down a door. Then I realise it's not a dream and I open my eyes to two men smashing into our cabin.
Straight away I trust my instincts and grab my knife. "Annabeth wake up!" I shout as I charge the men. I thrust the handle of my blade into one of there shoulders and he crumbles to the ground. Annabeth jumps out of bed and shoves the other man to the ground. She grabs a knife from under her bed. I had no idea she had a knife. But I don't think now is a good time to be asking questions.

We run outside to see our two teachers and the head of the camp tied to a pole. What is this? A sort of game? Anyway. Some of the others were tied up as well. When we burst outside everyone looked straight at us. Maybe because of the knifes. Some men came towards us but I don't know how I did it. I did a somersault over one of them and kicked him in the head using his force and knocked out another man as well. Annabeth was amazing. Zig-zagging through them all. I had one idea. She keeps them busy while I help the others. "Annabeth. Keep them distracted!" I shouted as I knocked down to more men. She got the message and started threatening them with her knife. I came charging through the crowd and cut all the ropes that they were being held by. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye. I see a man dragging Cornelia towards a truck. They start up the engine and start driving away. Slowly. I didn't get that. I looked around desperately and got a crazy idea.

I ran to one of the cabins with most eyes on me. I climb the bannisters that are holding up the front porch on to the roof. I concentrated and ran along the roof and jumped as far as possible to the other roof. I made it! No time to celebrate now though. In no time I jumped across the last two roofs and onto the back of the truck where Cornelia was tied up. She was literally freaking out! I cut through her binds and we jumped off the back of the truck. The truck kept driving obviously not realising they just lost there captive. All the men were either knocked out or tied up. "That was awesome!" Jake shouted. He's a bit nuts. We were all a good team actually.
"Good job everyone. If you wish to go back to bed for a little while you can. Breakfast will be served in five hours." Mr Van-kelp, the head of the camp. He is running for mayor and he made this camp for his campaign. What's happening? Was this some kind of test?
"What do you mean a good job?" Will asked before I got the chance to. But Mr Van-Kelp was already walking away. I couldn't think straight so I decided to go for a walk in the woods. I clipped my dagger to the side of my belt, got dressed and told Mr C where I was going. I think he didn't want me to go alone but I didn't wait for an answer.

There's a little track heading north- west. I couldn't wait to see where it led. I ran as fast as I could along the track. After a little jog, I stopped for a break. The sun was coming up bright through the trees. Up ahead was a big slate rock across the path. It was too big to go around but I could easily jump onto it. I look up and see a big branch not too high which meant I would be able to swing up onto it. I prepared myself and ran with all my strength. I jumped onto the rock then into the air. I just grabbed the branch in time to swing myself up onto the next one. Wow. I could try out for gymnastics at school. I look up the track and see a clearing up ahead. I start jumping from branch to branch like George of the jungle. At the end of the path. I run into a clearing and can't believe my eyes.

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