Chapter 12

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(Just a little note, this doesn't /exactly/ fit with the cannon, the characters are there and it's the same basic story, Jotaro and Dio aren't best buds so don't worry.)

Returning to Dio's home, Dio walked up to his room and dumped your clothes on your side of his bed (You had claimed the right side).

He stooped down and took a look through the clothing you picked out, he muttered to himself picking up one of the long sleeve shirts, it was plain white.

"Is there a problem?" you asked, looking over his shoulder.

"No... it's just..." He started, picking up a T-shirt with a V-neck "Female fashion has changed so much..." You frowned slightly, did he not like it?

"Ah? What's this?" Dio questioned, holding up the red dress you picked out "Ooh it's cute. You should try this on. I want to see you in it."

You took the dress from him, assuming that meant "Put the dress on now or I'll end you."

You looked around the room, there didn't appear to be anywhere else to get changed apart from your old room. You crouched down in front of the bag and picked up a pain of black shoes and a black... cardigan? You assumed that was what it was but either way, you liked it. You jogged down the hall towards the old small room, it was odd to really see how small the room was. You decided to not spend too much time thinking about it and hurry up with your clothes.

It didn't take too long to put everything on but as you left the room, the sound of a loud crash made you jump. It came from you and Dio's room and without thinking, you sprinted straight for the room. You practically kicked the door down to see a couple of guys surrounding Dio. One of which had a hat that really confused you, it was... the same the colour as his hair? Or was the hat supposed to be spiky at the back? What?

During your confusion, you had not noticed that the man with red hair was staring at you. When you finally noticed him staring at you, his hair annoyed you. It was dangling in front of his face, was that part of his hair supposed to slick back? You had noticed this hair style before.

Then suddenly it hit you.

Why the hell were you mentally complaining about 2 of the 4 guys hair? They were trying to attack Dio or something and you were sat there judging their hair. Good job, ______.

The old man of the group approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder and turning to Dio "What were you planning on doing to this young lady?!" he yelled, somehow exaggerating his voice.

Dio growled before responding "I wasn't gonna do Jack shit to her, she's mine." you simply nodded in response, causing the old man to take a step back, the man in strange ethnic clothing simply scowled slightly. The man with the weird hat walked up to you and forced you to look up at him with a finger under your chin, pushing your face up. He pushed any hair covering your forehead, there was nothing there "Well she certainly isn't under any mind control..." he mumbled, stepping away and facing Dio once more.

"Isn't it obvious?!" The old man yelled again, grating your ears "She's obviously been fooled into being invested with Dio!" before you could respond, the old man hoisted you over his shoulder "Let's go missy!"

"Wait, what? No!" you yelled back, hammering your fists into his back but suddenly, you realised, you had a stand! You quietly mumbled it's name and soon your stand came into reality. Weird hat guy (you were going to call him that until you learned his name) took a step back, realising what you were planning, he tapped your shoulder. You looked up to see him and something else behind him.

This guy also had a stand.

His stand walked over to yours, somewhat inspecting it before swinging a punch at The Justice's head. The Justice raised it's shield to meet the other stand's punch but the red head summoned his stand once he realised what was going on and that stand brought out green strings to wrap The Justice up, making it so it can't defend itself.

Weird hat man's stand then continued for another punch, causing you to suffer from a splitting headache and pass out. Weird hat man then turned to Dio, his stand still out before turning back to the old man and the man in ethnic clothing "Grandpa, Abdul, get her out of here."

They both nod, the grandpa keeping you over his shoulder as the red head and weird hat man turned to face Dio.

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