Bringing her home

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♥Sebastian's POV♥

She didn't seem like she had a home, much less knew the way to one. She was dirty and messy and much too skinny. I decided to instead bring her home. After several minutes of convincing she finally agreed, her head hung shamefully the entire way back. Once we finally arrived, she stared at the manor, her beautiful eyes once again twinkling. I had to smile, gently nudging her up the stairway to get out of the cold. We stepped inside, the three servants immedately running in. Finnian beamed, "Hi, Mr. Sebastian!" Mey-rin smiled as well, "You brought a guest, yes you did!" And Bardroy shrugged with a small, "Yeah, let's hope she doesn't see the fire that Finny started in the kitchen...." I sighed, instructing Mey-rin to help the girl get cleaned up. I left at once to begin cleaning up after the three, Finnian and Bardroy deciding to help.

●Your POV●

The three people there scared me, they jumped around and apparently set fire to things. I didn't want any part of it but it was warm here and setting the kitchen alight had to mean there would be food, right? The red haired maid led me off, taking me to a bathroom and beginning to run water. I soon stepped in, warm water circling around me. It had been so long since I had been able to enjoy the warm, comforting embrace of clean water and I welcomed it graciously. I closed my eyes and leaned back, opening them again just enough to allow the maid to wash my hair. It felt odd, as if someone cared for me once in my life; a female, like a mother. I smiled and began to wash myself, soon finishing and stepping out to wrap a towel around myself. She led me down a hall, opening a closet and pulling out a dress, "We have no spare room, my lady, but we have Lady Rachael's dresses." I looked at her, my voice quiet as if this were a dream I didn't want to shatter, "Wh-Who's Lady Rachael?" The woman, Mey-rin I do believe Sebastian had called her, looked at me, "The young master's mother, sh-she died.... a few years ago in a house fire. The old manor burned to the ground, only Ciel and his dog escaping." I nodded, hanging my head and looking at my feet. She pulled out a dress, a lovely sky blue one, simple but elegant. She held it up to me, smiling, "A perfect fit." She urged me into the bathroom to try it on, but I found it quite difficult to do the corset strings. I huffed, Mey-rin pulling them for me. I soon got the dress on and the maid brushed out my hair, clipping a necklace around my neck.

Ushering me into a dining area I sat down, Sebastian pulling a chair out for me and pushing it back once I had been seated. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and I gazed up, utterly amazed. A plate was set in front of me and I jumped slightly, a smell of tea and roses wreathing around me. I glanced up to see Sebastian pouring a glass of drink for me, a polite smile on his face. Another boy sat across from me, navy blue hair falling over his face, one eye covered by an eyepatch while the other was colored a beautiful blue. He wore a serious expression on his face, "Sebastian, is this the help you picked?" Sebastian nodded slightly and I hung my head, realizing that was the only reason I was there, to help. But to my surprise the butler nodded, "But she's special. She has a brain." Ciel rolled his eyes, "But what can she DO?" I went to move my arm, pain surging through it as I winced, crying out slightly. Ciel rolled his eyes again, "Well she can obviously register pain." Sebastian glared at Mey-rin, "You didn't think to bandage her arm?" He hissed, vemon sinking into his voice. Mey-rin stuttered, stepping back, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Sebastian, yes I am!" Sebastian smiled again and she seemed to calm down, "It's alright. Just don't forget next time."

After dinner Ciel called me to his study, narrowing his eyes, "What is your name?" I looked down at my feet, "(y/n)..." I stutter, glancing up as he nods, "And why are you wearing my mother's dress?" He questioned, "Because I-I had nothing to wear..." he stood, narrowing his eyes and walking over, administering a hard slap across my face, "Maid's don't wear elegant dresses like this, they wear uniforms, maid outfits." I nod, stepping back, "I-I'm sorry...... I-I'll go change!"

★Ciel's POV★

Why would Sebastian pick someone that was homeless, random off the streets? Was he a moron? I supposed he had been dulled to the mental capacity of one of the servants, and then I remembered he was Sebastian, and therefore he must have chosen someone decent. I thought that she would be someone I could get along with, and then she had the audacity to tarnish my mother's finest dress. She was beautiful though, and that made me even more mad. I know that she will expect that her looks will allow her to slack off, and so I had to show her that isn't how things would work. The touch of her skin was smooth, almost perfect, and she made a wonderful whimpering sound as she stumbled back like a moron, tears welling up in her eyes. I felt great, knowing that I taught her something.

But, all at the same time I felt bad.

Abusive!Ciel Phantomhive ?x? Reader ?x? Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now