Second impressions

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●Your POV●

It had been a couple of days, and I sat on my bed, makeup streaked down my face as I sniffed. Having worried all night over what I did to upset Ciel so much, I was tired, and longed to curl back up in bed and fall asleep. However, in about 20 minutes, I'd have to be up and help make Ciel's breakfast. So instead, I stood, swallowing my upset mindset. I forced a smile into the mirror, dapping at ruined mascara with a handkerchief. It barely did any good, and really just smeared it. Feeling hopeless, I sat back on the bed, tears pooling in my eyes again. I jumped when there was a knock on the door, collecting myself the best I could and calling back, "Yes?" I was almost relieved to hear Sebastian's voice through the door, "I'm sorry to wake you so early, but I wanted to speak with you..." I gave a soft chuckle, laying back on the bed. "Come in."

♥Sebastian's POV♥

I really had come to speak with (y/n) about Ciel, and tell her she shouldn't worry about him. Gently turning the doorknob, I was almost surprised to see her curled up on her bed in a white nightgown, her (h/c) hair messy and makeup smeared on her face. Almost immediately forgetting the first reason I had decided to talk to her, I closed the door behind me, pulling a handkerchief from my pocket. She pushed herself to sit up, "Don't ruin your handkerchief, what was it you needed to talk to me about?" I only slowly shook my head, holding out a hand, "It doesn't matter just yet, here, let's get you cleaned up." I must have looked concerned, because she placed her hand in mine, speaking with a sad tinge to her voice, "You worry too much."

●Your POV●

Even though I wished he had just told me and left, I allowed him to guide me to the bathroom, and sit me on the ledge of the bathtub. He ran warm water over the square of cloth in his hand, rubbing at the makeup on my face. The room was silent except for the sound of sniffling occasionally, which I knew was me. He didn't seem to mind however, and only focused on removing the makeup from my face with care. When he was done, I looked down at my lap, and he began to comb out my hair first with his fingers, then with a proper comb. I felt about five again, and let him run the comb through my hair, closing my eyes. Swallowing, I heard the shifting of fabric as he sat beside me, smoothing the back of my hair with his hand.

♥Sebastian's POV♥

I felt bad, being that Ciel had most likely made her cry, and took upmost care not to hurt her as I cleaned her face. (Y/n) was oddly quiet, but it didn't surprise me. She hadn't displayed any wild behavior, and actually seemed rather timid. But then again, things do change. Usually, I have found, females get upset when you mess with their hair, but she sat there quietly, and said nothing nor did anything. I ran my hand aloong the back of her hair and almost jumped when tears ran down her face again, (y/n) burying her face in my shoulder as she began to cry. Now, it had been some time since I had comforted Lady Rachael, and therefore it took me a minute before I managed to react. Smoothing her hair again, I began to hum, and she seemed to calm, the terrible sound of her sobbing beginning to die until she was silent, and pulled away, murmuring a soft sorry.
I have no idea why she apologized, and I shook my head, drying her face with the handkerchief, "It's okay...." I offered a soft smile, and noticed the corner of her lip tug back slightly in a smile.

-2 hours later :0 -

★Ciel's POV★

I figured I'd invite the girl in for tea, and see exactly how she reacted. She walked in, the same shy and almost scared look on her face. A wise man once said it is better to be feared than loved. But I am not that man, and therefore felt the slightest twinge of guilt in my chest. Her hands tucked behind her back, she looked at the ground, "Yes, my lord?" I motioned to the table, "Sit. Sebastian should be bringing the tea shortly." She quickly but carefully sat down, her hands folded in her lap. She still looked down at her hands, and this upset me. "Look at me." Her (e/c) eyes slowly travelled up to my face, and I smiled. She only swallowed and forced a soft smile, but it vanished after a moment. Oh, I wish she wore it more often. My eyes darted up when the door opened and Sebastian entered, carrying that famous silver tray. That tray, I'd bet anything, must have seen the fires of hell and the entities of suffering. He placed two cups down, and something that intrigued me happened. She looked up at him with those beautiful eyes, nodded once and flashed a small smile. A voluntary smile. I stared at Sebastian and barely noticed a frown creeping across my face, but (y/n) must have. She swallowed, murmuring softly, "Th-Thank you for inviting m-me to tea.... my lord."
Blinking, I looked at her, "You barely deserved it, I did it out of the kindness of my heart."
She nodded slightly and kept one hand in her lap, taking a quiet sip of her tea, her eyes falling back to her hands as she set the teacup down. I felt utter frustration rise in my throat, and rolled my eyes, crossing one leg over the other. I felt as if there was no way that I could get her to even look at me, she's hopeless.

Abusive!Ciel Phantomhive ?x? Reader ?x? Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now