Bonding (Not bondage >_>)

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  I sat laying on my bed, a book covering my face as a cool reptile snaked over my stomach and along my leg. Having fallen asleep, I didn't hear the door open, and turned on my side, The Picture Of Dorian Gray falling from the bed to the ground. Corney was lifted from my ankle and replaced in his tank, the book picked up and replaced on the shelf. I faintly felt somebody kneel beside the bed, putting their arm on the matress and smoothing my hair with the other. My eyes didn't open, but I curled up as the scent of tea and roses wreathed around me, allowing me to relax and bury my face into the pillow. A soft voice comforted me, flashing me back to when I was curled up in my mother's arms, rocking back and forth in her chair as a cat meowed at my father's shoe string as it trailed on the round, the feline seeming to follow in waltz as he did. "Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark.... emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms..."

  My eyes snapped open, instantly blinded by the light filtering through the morning-glow windowpanes. Immediately scrambling backwards, I slid from the bed, but a hand grabbed mine, pulling me back to where I was and into Sebastian's arms. Too shaken to say or do anything, I only clung to him, snuggling against him and hoping for that same comfort I'd found in sleep as I trembled. He held me, sitting on the bed and not seeming to care as I once more whimpered into his shoulder, hugging him tighter and tighter.


  I had come just to make sure she was sleeping well, and he disorderly fashion in which she had fallen asleep stirred my inner..... ataxophobia? and I began to put things away, drawn to her once more as she slept in complete serenity. Kneeling down, I ran my fingers through her pretty (h/c) hair, singing as softly as I could. When she snapped awake, and fell, my immediate reaction was to catch her, and then to pull her back and assure her and myself she was safe.

I typically didn't care much for humans, but a wise man once said; Nothing lasts forever, and those who say it does, have never had anything.

Abusive!Ciel Phantomhive ?x? Reader ?x? Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now